Support of regional forest inventories

Project duration

1998 - 2023

The WSL conducts the Swiss NFI and is interested to share its comprehensive knowledge in this field with forest practitioners in the cantons. We offer support of regional (cantonal) inventories based on the Swiss NFI method as a service in collaboration with the particular cantons. To date, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the cantons of AG, AR, BE, GR, LU, OW und ZH have conducted regional inventories using the NFI-method.

Particularly, we support the cantons in inventory planning, training of field teams and in the analysis of inventory data. This support is based on the application of the Swiss NFI-method, the use the Swiss NFI data catalogue and the field software MAIRA. Adaptations to specific needs and local conditions are possible to a limited extent; They have to be negotiated individually. The number of attributes can be reduced, but not increased. We can also provide the cantons with material such as tablet computers or measuring devices of a limited number.

We guarantee save and efficient long-time data storage and offer extended service such as complete data analysis and statistical support as required by the cantons.

