Extracts from the destructive avalanche database

The SLF maintains a database record of all known avalanches since 1936 that have caused personal injury or property damage. The very extensive destructive avalanche database, which is without parallel worldwide, now encompasses 15,000 records. These contain detailed information about the individual avalanche (including the date, place, injuries/damage, starting zone, deposition zone etc.). The data are gathered from numerous sources (observation reports, police and rescue services, cantonal authorities etc.). In the interests of high data quality, all the entries are manually verified.

Extracts from our avalanche damage database are available to order.


The charge consists of a time-based fee and a lump sum, depending on the requested and available parameters.


Please send orders by e-mail to data(at)slf.ch.

Two datasets are available at www.envidat.ch. The citation and licence are provided here as well.

Address for content inquiries

