VEGEDAZ is a software for recording and analysing vegetation data. It comprises several components:

  • The core of the system is a table editor. In addition to the usual input helpers, tabular and graphical functions are offered, which support exploring the data.
  • The table editor is connected to a database system, which manages species lists, indicator values and other information. The database helps for the preparation and synonymisation of vegetation data.
  • The software includes analysis tools for evaluating ecological indicator values, assignment to vegetation types, calculation of diversity indices, statistical tests and other evaluations.
  • For further analyses, there is an interface to the statistical package R. A collection of R scripts is included in the scope of delivery of VEGEDAZ.

System requirements:
Windows (64 Bit)
Mac with Windows emulation (Mac version in preparation)
Unix with Windows emulation (Unix version in preparation)

Two versions:
VEGEDAZ has been reprogrammed. During a transitional phase, we offer the previous version for download in addition to the new one.

Download new VEGEDAZ (beta version December 2023)

Download previous VEGEDAZ (September 2021)

This software was developed as part of a research project.  The functioning of this software is without guarantee. If any problems should occur, you can get support from

The software can be freely used and distributed. However, the copyright remains with the developer. By downloading VEGEDAZ, you accept the terms of this clause.


Küchler, M., 2023: VEGEDAZ (Version 2023). Online: