Research project:

Studying the initiation of shallow rainfall-induced landslides by analysing soil moisture measurements and soil hydrological processes.

Research interests:

  • Initiation of shallow landslides
    • Disposition of slopes to slope failure
    • Trigger meachanism of shallow landslides
  • Soil Hydrology
    • Analysis of soil moisture measurements
    • Soil hydrological processes


Since 2023: Doctoral student, Swiss Federal Research Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmensdorf, Switzerland.

2019 – 2022: MSc in Earth Science, programme Engineering Geology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Thesis: Implementing soil moisture information in Landslide Early Warning Systems – a sensitivity study based on the hydromechnical model STEP-TRAMM and statistically-based susceptibility analysis

2016 – 2019: BSc in Earth Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


2019 - 2023: Internship and project assistance in a geological consulting company, Sieber-Cassina und Partner AG, Zurich, Switzerland



Halter T., Lehmann P., Wicki A., Aaron J., Stähli M. (2024) Optimising landslide initiation modelling with high-resolution saturation prediction based on soil moisture monitoring data. Landslides. doi:10.1007/s10346-024-02304-x Institutional Repository DORA

Stähli M., Halter T., Walter F., Wicki A., Lehmann P. (2023) A pilot study in the Napf-Region (Central Switzerland) for an upcoming national landslide early warning system. In V. Capobianco, L. Rødvand, F. Nadim, H. Heyerdahl, & S. Lacasse (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd JTC1 workshop. Impact of global changes on landslide hazard and risk. Oslo: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI). 121-124. Institutional Repository DORA
