Current position

Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL

Professor for conservation biology at ETH Zürich and EPFL

PI of the Translational Centre Biodiversity Conservation, a joint Initiative of the ETH-Domain

Previous positions


Head of Research Unit Biodiversity and Conservation Biology

2011–2023 Member of WSL Directorate


Acting Deputy Director WSL


Head of Research Unit Ecological Genetics and Evolution WSL


Deputy Head of Section Ecological Genetics WSL


Postdoc at University of St Andrews, Scotland


PhD an der Universität Zürich

Research interests

My research interests are in biodiversity and conservation biology, including environmental genomics. I use a suite of methods from monitoring to genomic approaches and study a wide array of organisms and ecosystems.

I focus on the exchange between research and application, and the implementation of scientific results in conservation management and landscape planning.

Selection of other activities

Member of the steering board of the Rübel Foundation

Vollständiger Lebenslauf und Publikationsliste

Complete CV and publication list Rolf Holderegger February 2024: PDF

