
DeepDrought examines how deep root water uptake helps plants mitigate drought, especially as deep soil droughts increase with climate change. Using SVAT models, the project analyzes deep soil water availability and aligns TWD and WUE as drought stress measures to assess plant responses.

A project to understand and model the processes of subglacial lake drainage and filling cycles in Antarctica.

How does soil carbon redistribute across diverse mountain landscapes? SOCscape combine field data, soil analysis, and modeling to uncover the dynamics of carbon fluxes in these complex, geochemically varied environments.

Spatial planning is currently experiencing significant changes driven by digitalisation. This transformation has the potential to influence the way we plan, and important values such as equality, social justice, transparency and efficiency.

A recently discovered process of airborne snow metamorphism (ASM) affects the storage of isotope climate signals in ice sheets and the energy and mass balance of polar regions.

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Iosifescu Enescu I., Plattner G.K., Bont L., Fraefel M., Meile R., Kramer T., … Steffen K. (2019) Open science, knowledge sharing and reproducibility as drivers for the adoption of FOSS4G in environmental research. In M. A. Brovelli & A. F. Marin (Eds.), International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: Vol. XLII-4/W14. FOSS4G 2019 – Academic Track. Göttingen: Copernicus. 107-110. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-4-W14-107-2019 Institutional Repository DORA
