Services & Products

Swissfire is the forest fire database of Switzerland, which has been developed in a joint effort by WSL and FOEN (Federal Office for the Environment). All information on forest fires is being collected in one central data base, which is an optimal tool for forest fire management.

In the national data and information centre SwissFungi, we compile collection data and environmental data on the species of fungus that exist in Switzerland, and thereby document spatial and temporal changes in their populations. SwissFungi provides the basis for implementing conservation measures for fungus.

In the national data and information centre SwissLichens, we compile data on lichen habitats and their ecology, and in doing so document spatial and temporal changes in their populations in Switzerland. SwissLichens provides the basis for implementing conservation measures for lichens.

The main objective of this project is to make as complete an inventory as possible of all the giant chestnuts of the canton of Ticino and Misox, which have a circumference of more than 7 m.


This project aims at improving the early detection of bark beetle damage in forests in the canton of Grisons as well as the prioritisation of management against bark beetle infestation in protective forests in the long term.

Internet-Anwendung womit das Monitoring des Japanknöterichs unterstützt wird.

Die Goldgelbe Vergilbung der Rebe (GGV) ist eine schädliche Rebenkrankheit, die mit dem Quarantäneorganismus "Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis" (GGVp) in Verbindung gebracht wird, der in der Landschaft auf Laubgehölzen wie der Schwarzerle (Alnus glutinosa) sowie auf verwilderten Weinreben überleben kann.

Erarbeitung einer waldbaulichen Entscheidungshilfe zum Umgang mit dem steigenden Druck von invasiven neophytischen Gehölzen im Kastaniengürtel vom Kanton Tessin.


Fehr V., Minetti A., Conedera M., Pezzatti G.B. (2024) First evidence of establishment of the palm borer moth Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, 1879) in southern Switzerland. BioInvasions Rec. 13(4), 901-908. doi:10.3391/bir.2024.13.4.05 Institutional Repository DORA
