Research Interests

Tree stress physiology, root ecophysiology, mechanisms of tree competition, tree allometry changes under drought, mountain forest ecology and management, regeneration ecology, ecology of mixed forests

Other publications

Literatur Baumhaselartikel 2025

Häberle K-H, Weigt R, Nikolova P, Reiter IM, Cermak J, Wieser G, Blaschke H, Rötzer T, Pretzsch H, Matyssek R, 2012. Case study „Kranzberger Forst“ – growth and defence in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). In: Growth and Defence in Plants (eds. MM Caldwell et al.), Ecological Studies 220: 243-271

Nikolova PS, Zang Ch, Pretzsch H, 2011. Combining tree-ring analyses on stems and coarse roots to study the growth dynamics of forest trees: a case study on Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] H. Karst). Trees 25: 859-872

Pritsch K, Ali MA, Churin J-L, Cloutier-Hurteau B, Courty P-E, Egli S, Ernst J, Damon C, Duchemin M, Kuhar F, Marmeisse R, Müller A, Nikolova PS, Peter M, Plassard C, Schloter M, Garbaye J, 2011. Optimized and standardized assay and storage conditions for enzymatic activity profiling of ectomycorrhizae. Mycorrhiza 21(7):589-600

Matyssek R, Wieser G, Ceulemans R, Rennenberg H, Häberle K-H, Haberer K, Löw M, Nunn A, Werner H, Wipfler P, Oßwald W, Nikolova PS, Hanke D, Kraigher H, Tausz M, Bahnweg G, Kitao M, Pretzsch H, Sandermann H, Herbinger K, Grebenc T, Heerdt C, Blumenröther M, Deckmyn G, Grams TEE, Fabian P, 2010. Eight-Year Exposure to Twice-Ambient Ozone Does Constrain Carbon Sink Strength of Adult Beech Trees (Fagus sylvatica). Environmental Pollution 158: 2527-2532

Nikolova PS, Andersen CP, Blaschke H, Matyssek R, Häberle K-H, 2010. Belowground effects of enhanced tropospheric ozone and drought in a beech/spruce forest (Fagus sylvatica L. / Picea abies [L.] Karst.) Environmental Pollution 158:1071-1078

Maniero R, Kazda M, Häberle K-H, Nikolova PS, Matyssek R, 2009. Fine root dynamics of mature European Beech /Fagus sylvatica L.) as influenced by elevated ozone concentrations. Environmental Pollution 157: 2638-2644

Nikolova PS, Raspe S, Andersen CP, Mainiero R, Blaschke H, Matyssek R, Häberle K-H, 2009. Effects of the extreme drought in 2003 on soil respiration in a mixed forest. European Journal of Forest Research 128: 87-98

Nikolova PS, Blaschke H, Matyssek R, Pretzsch H, Seifert T, 2009. Combined application of computer tomography and light microscopy for analysis of conductive xylem area of beech and spruce coarse roots. European Journal of Forest Research 128: 145-153

Nikolova PS, H Blaschke, Matyssek R, 2006. Digital in situ recording of fine-root architecture and growth dynamics. In: Handbook of Methods Used in Rhizosphere Research. COST 631 – Understanding and Modelling Interactions in the Root Environment (ed. Jörg Luster and Roger Finlay), pp. 170-171. WSL, Birmensdorf

Blaschke H, Nikolova PS, Raidel S, Matyssek R, 2006. Slim cases for digital recording of ectomycorrhiza formation in situ. In: Handbook of Methods Used in Rhizosphere Research. COST 631 – Understanding and Modelling Interactions in the Root Environment (eds. Jörg Luster and Roger Finlay), pp. 380-381. WSL, Birmensdorf

Andersen CP, Nikolov I, Nikolova P, Häberle K-H, Matyssek R, 2005. Estimating “autotrophic” belowground respiration in spruce and beech forests: decreases following girdling. European Journal of Forest Research 124: 155-163

Grulke NE, Johnson R, Monschein S, Nikolova P and Tausz M, 2003. Variation in morphological and biochemical O3 injury attributes of mature Jeffrey pine within canopies and microsites. Tree Physiology 23: 923-929

Schuetzenduebel A, Nikolova P, Rudolf C, Polle A, 2002. Cadmium and H2O2-induced oxidative stress in Populus × canescens roots. Pant Phys. And Biochem. 40: 577-584

Nikolova P, Maier-Dinkel A, 2000. Cryoconservation of Juglans regia L. somatic embryos. Forestry Ideas 23: 11-16


Wie können langfristige Entwicklungen von Waldbeständen und deren Verjüngungszustände systematisch erfasst werden? Das Projekt entwickelt eine standardisierte Methodik und eine spezialisierte Softwarelösung, die Forstpraktikern eine effiziente Datenerhebung ermöglicht.

Eine Übersicht über minimale und maximale Stammzahlen der Verjüngung in Schweizer Wäldern fehlt. BENCHMARKS soll Bandbreiten von Verjüngungsdichten für Baumarten und Höhenklassen berechnen, differenziert nach Naturraum, Höhenstufen, groben NaiS-Standorttypen und Waldstrukturen.

The MountEx project aims to develop guidance and tools for managing spruce-dominated mountain forests under extreme disturbances. By focusing on resilience and management priorities, MountEx is helping stakeholders prepare for unprecedented challenges for these vital ecosystems.

An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV equipped with a LiDAR sensor will be used to test its potential for regeneration structure assessments in mountain forests. The project aims to combine terrestrial regeneration mapping with LiDAR-based information to assess size, density and location of regeneration.

The project "Mountain Forest Regeneration" has the long-term goal of creating a technical basis within about 20 years so that natural regeneration in mountain forests can be effectively promoted by silviculture.


Ambs D., Schmied G., Zlatanov T., Kienlein S., Pretzsch H., Nikolova P.S. (2024) Regeneration dynamics in mixed mountain forests at their natural geographical distribution range in the Western Rhodopes. For. Ecol. Manag. 552, 121550 (14 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121550 Institutional Repository DORA

Frischbier N., Šeho M., Nikolova P.S. (2024) Erste Ergebnisse aus Herkunftsversuchen mit der Baumhasel. AFZ Wald. 79(12), 34-38. Institutional Repository DORA

Glatthorn J., Maier B., Binder F., Brang P., Frischbier N., Horna V., … Aas G. (2024) Limited influence of air temperature and precipitation on six-year survival and growth of non-native tree species in a Central European multi-site field trial. For. Ecol. Manag. 553, 121645 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.121645 Institutional Repository DORA

Nikolova P.S., Allgaier Leuch B., Frehner M., Wohlgemuth T., Brang P. (2024) Indikatoren der Waldverjüngung und ihre Anwendungsbereiche. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 175(3), 108-115. doi:10.3188/szf.2024.0108 Institutional Repository DORA

Bont L., Blattert C., Schweier J., Bührle L., Helzel K., Bebi P., … Nikolova P.S. (2023) Mountain spruce forests as hotspots for EXtremes: optimal allocation of the limited resources of a forest enterprise. In WSL Berichte: Vol. 144. Forum für Wissen 2023. Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. Institutional Repository DORA

Temperli C., Nikolova P., Brang P. (2023) Zukunftsfähigkeit der Baumartenzusammensetzung des Schweizer Waldes. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 174(2), 76-84. doi:10.3188/szf.2023.0076 Institutional Repository DORA

Сотирова Н., Гогушев Г., Величков И., Хинков Г., Николова4 С.П., Димов П., Златанов Ц. (2023) Глава 5. Възобновителен потенциал на горскодървесната растителност в култури от бял бор (Pinus sylvesrtis L.), претърпели природни нарушения. In М. Панайотов, Н. Цветанов, В. Василев, Н. Сотирова, Ц. Кънчев, Н. Цветкова, … Ц. Златанов (Eds.), Климатични промени и влиянието им върху горите в Югоза-падна България. София: Лесотехнически Университет. 203-231. Institutional Repository DORA

Панайотов М., Цветанов Н., Василев В., Сотирова Н., Кънчев Ц., Цветкова Н., … Златанов Ц. (Eds.) (2023) Климатични промени и влиянието им върху горите в Югоза-падна България. София: Лесотехнически Университет. 232 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Scherrer D., Ascoli D., Conedera M., Fischer C., Maringer J., Moser B., … Wohlgemuth T. (2022) Canopy disturbances catalyse tree species shifts in Swiss Forests. Ecosystems. 25, 199-214. doi:10.1007/s10021-021-00649-1 Institutional Repository DORA

Kalt T., Nikolova P., Ginzler C., Bebi P., Edelkraut K., Brang P. (2021) Kurzes Zeitfenster für die Fichtennaturverjüngung in Gebirgsnadelwäldern. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 172(3), 156-165. doi:10.3188/szf.2021.0156 Institutional Repository DORA

Nikolova P.S., Geyer J., Brang P., Cherubini P., Zimmermann S., Gärtner H. (2021) Changes in root-shoot allometric relations in alpine Norway spruce trees after strip cutting. Front. Plant Sci. 12, 703674 (14 pp.). doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.703674 Institutional Repository DORA

Nikolova P.S., Bauerle T.L., Häberle K.H., Blaschke H., Brunner I., Matyssek R. (2020) Fine-root traits reveal contrasting ecological strategies in European beech and Norway spruce during extreme drought. Front. Plant Sci. 11, 1211 (18 pp.). doi:10.3389/fpls.2020.01211 Institutional Repository DORA

Frischbier N., Nikolova P.S., Brang P., Klumpp R., Aas G., Binder F. (2019) Climate change adaptation with non-native tree species in Central European forests: early tree survival in a multi-site field trial. Eur. J. For. Res. 138(6), 1015-1032. doi:10.1007/s10342-019-01222-1 Institutional Repository DORA

Nikolova P.S., Rohner B., Zell J., Brang P. (2019) Tree species dynamics in Swiss forests as affected by site, stand and management: a retrospective analysis. For. Ecol. Manag. 448, 278-293. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2019.06.012 Institutional Repository DORA

Brang P., Nikolova P., Gordon R., Zürcher S. (2017) Auswirkungen grosser Verjüngungslücken im Gebirgswald auf Verjüngung und Holzzuwachs. Schlussbericht des Projektes «Eingriffsstärke und Holzzuwachs im Gebirgswald». Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL. 48 p. doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000184480 Institutional Repository DORA

Nikolova P., Vitali V., Cherubini P., Zingg A., Brang P. (2016) Radialzuwachs von Fichten im Randbereich großer Verjüngungsöffnungen: ein Beispiel aus den Schweizerischen Alpen. In U. Kohnle & J. Klädtke (Eds.), Sektion Ertragskunde: Berichte zur Jahrestagung 2016. Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten. Sektion Ertragskunde. Freiburg i.Br.: DVFFA. 150-157. Institutional Repository DORA

Nikolova P., Bürgi A., Egli S., Brang P. (2016) Schlussbericht des Projektes Gastbaumarten im Forschungsprogramm Wald und Klimawandel. Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 52 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Vitali V., Brang P., Cherubini P., Zingg A., Simeonova Nikolova P. (2016) Radial growth changes in Norway spruce montane and subalpine forests after strip cutting in the Swiss Alps. For. Ecol. Manag. 364, 145-153. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2016.01.015 Institutional Repository DORA

Weigt R.B., Bräunlich S., Zimmermann L., Saurer M., Grahms T.E.E., Dietrich H.P., … Nikolova P.S. (2015) Comparison of δ18O and δ13C values between tree-ring whole wood and cellulose in five species growing under two different site conditions. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 29(23), 2233-2244. doi:10.1002/rcm.7388 Institutional Repository DORA
