Research interests

  • Shallow landslides and hillslope debris flows
  • Natural hazard and protection forest
  • Erosion
  • Woody debris transport in torrents
  • protections measures in torrent channels and on hillslopes
  • soil bioengineering
  • hazard events

Education and professional development

  • Since 2006: Scientific collaborator at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, research unit "Mountain Hydrology and Mass Movements" group “Mountain Torrents” (research with respect to shallow landslides and hillslope debris flows, effects of vegetation on the stability of steep slopes)
  • 1992 - 2006: scientific collaborator at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, research unit "Water, soil and Rock Movements” (research with respect to estimation of flood discharge in torrents, hazard mapping, timber structures in torrent control and slope stabilisation, shallow landslides, analyses of hazard events, driftwood in torrents, analysis of storm Lothar 1999 in Switzerland)
  • 1986 - 1992: assistant at ETH, professorship Forestry Engineering (topics: road construction, forest exploitation)
  • 1983 - 1986: studies in forest sciences, diploma thesis: “Decontamination of forest sites formerly encumbered with fluorine”
  • 1979- 1983: grammar school Interlaken, typus B


TRAMM was a research project of the ETH Competence Centre of Environment and Sustainability (CCES) from 2006 to 2015 with the aim to better understand mechanisms of rapid mass movements.

We aim at providing the link between the belowground water regime, related to the triggering of shallow landslides, and aboveground structural properties of forests as well as between ground truth and remote sensing data in view of up-scaling from the local to the regional and supra-regional scale.

This project aims at assessing the contribution of sediment erosion from steep slopes adjacent to channel beds to the sediment transport in small catchments.


Rickli C., Graf F., McArdell B., Steeb N., Rickenmann D., Badoux A. (2024) Erosion an steilen Hängen. (WSL Berichte, Report No.: 158). Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 80 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:38390 Institutional Repository DORA

Steeb N., Badoux A., Rickli C., Rickenmann D. (2024) Empirical prediction of large wood transport during flood events. In A. M. Ferreira da Silva, C. Rennie, S. Gaskin, J. Lacey, & B. MacVicar (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th international conference on fluvial hydraulics, river flow 2022. Abingdon, Oxon: CRC Press. 801-807. doi:10.1201/9781003323037-108 Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C., Graf F., Badoux A., McArdell B., Steeb N., Rickenmann D. (2023) Untersuchungen zu Erosion in steilen Bacheinhängen. FAN Agenda. 2, 15-21. Institutional Repository DORA

Steeb N., Ruiz-Villanueva V., Badoux A., Rickli C., Mini A., Stoffel M., Rickenmann D. (2023) Geospatial modelling of large-wood supply to rivers: a state-of-the-art model comparison in Swiss mountain river catchments. Earth Surf. Dyn. 11(3), 487-509. doi:10.5194/esurf-11-487-2023 Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C. (2022) Dauerhaftigkeit des Baustoff Holz. In G. Ratsch (Ed.), Lignatec: Vol. 34. Naturgefahren mit Holz begegnen. Erosion | Rutschung | Wildbach | Lawinen. Zürich: Lignum. 9-13. Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C. (2022) Durability of wood as building material. In G. Ratsch (Ed.), Lignatec: Vol. 34. Using timber to counter natural hazards. Erosion | landslide | torrent | avalanche. Zurich: Lignum. 9-13. Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C., Graf F., Studer M., Steeb N. (2022) Massnahmen und Untersuchungen in den Runsen Hexen- und Schwandrübi in Dallenwil (NW). Ingenieurbiol. (2), 21-28. Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C. (2022) Pérennité du matériau bois. In G. Ratsch (Ed.), Lignatec: Vol. 34. Ouvrages de protection en bois. Erosion | glissements de terrain | torrents | avalanches. Zurich: Lignum. 9-13. Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C., Graf F. (2022) Zustandsuntersuchungen an Wildbachsperren aus Holz. Ingenieurbiol. (2), 39-46. Institutional Repository DORA

Wittwer A., Frehner M., Rickli C., Graf F. (2022) Verjüngungsentwicklung in einem Gerinneeinhang-Schutzwald: limitierende und fördernde Faktoren. FAN Agenda. (1), 21-25. Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C., Galletti M., Loup B., Badoux A., McArdell B. (2021) WSL-Rutschungsdatenbank: geologische Aspekte bei der Dokumentation von flachgründigen Rutschungen und Hangmuren. Swiss Bull. angew. Geol. 26(1), 75-82. Institutional Repository DORA

Steeb N., Badoux A., Boes R.M., Gasser E., Rickenmann D., Rickli C., … Weitbrecht V. (2021) WoodFlow project - large wood management in rivers. In N. Beyer Portner (Ed.), 14th congress INTERPRAEVENT 2021. Natural hazards in a changing world. sine loco: International Research Society INTERPRAEVENT. 275-283. Institutional Repository DORA

Zuidema A., Rickli C., Frehner M. (2021) Modellierung von Hangmuren in bewaldetem Gebiet mit dem Simulationsprogramm RAMMS. FAN Agenda. (2), 4-8. Institutional Repository DORA

Graf F., Bast A., Rickli C., Bebi P. (2020) Schutz – Wald – Struktur: Einfluss auf flachgründige Rutschungen. Ingenieurbiol. (3), 14-20. Institutional Repository DORA

Prancevic J.P., Lamb M.P., McArdell B.W., Rickli C., Kirchner J.W. (2020) Decreasing landslide erosion on steeper slopes in soil-mantled landscapes. Geophys. Res. Lett. 47(10), e2020GL087505 (9 pp.). doi:10.1029/2020GL087505 Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C. (2020) Dokumentation von spontanen flachgründigen Rutschungen und Hangmuren. Ingenieurbiol. (3), 44-50. Institutional Repository DORA

Zimmermann F., McArdell B.W., Rickli C., Scheidl C. (2020) 2D runout modelling of hillslope debris flows, based on well-documented events in Switzerland. Geosciences. 10(2), 70 (17 pp.). doi:10.3390/geosciences10020070 Institutional Repository DORA

Bebi P., Bast A., Ginzler C., Rickli C., Schöngrundner K., Graf F. (2019) Waldentwicklung und flachgründige Rutschungen: eine grossflächige GIS-Analyse. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 170(6), 318-325. doi:10.3188/szf.2019.0318 Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C., Graf F., Bebi P., Bast A., Loup B., McArdell B. (2019) Schützt der Wald vor Rutschungen? Hinweise aus der WSL-Rutschungsdatenbank. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 170(6), 310-317. doi:10.3188/szf.2019.0310 Institutional Repository DORA

Rickli C., Bebi P., Graf F., Moos C. (2019) Shallow landslides: retrospective analysis of the protective effects of forest and conclusions for prediction. In W. Wu (Ed.), Springer series in geomechanics and geoengineering. Recent advances in geotechnical research. Cham: Springer. 175-185. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-89671-7_15 Institutional Repository DORA

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