my education i got my degree in agronomy in 1985 at the ETH Zurich, where i also made my doctoral thesis (in 1988 at the institute of plant sciences, now part of the institute of agricultural sciences); then i was one year at the ISU (Ames, IA, USA) for a post-doc; 1993, in parallel to my job, i followed a post-graduate course in applied statistics at the ETHZ

my research projects

about the effects of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition (research projects in the Alptal valley), further a project on interactions between CO2 & N

the results

see my publication list

a software

i wrote a software to analyse hemispherical photographs (calculation of the leaf area index of forest canopies): this software is called Hemisfer

some useful links

in order to have it always at hand, here is also a periodic table of the elements

i'm also maintaining an internet site of the Schleppi family

my favorite sport

cycling (member and volunteer of the Club des Cent Cols)


The project quantifies carbon fluxes in forest floors along gradients in climate and bedrock in Switzerland and Germany. The approach is to measure radiocarbon contents in C pools and fluxes, and tracing isotopically labelled (13C, 15N, 2H) litter in the forest floor and in the mineral soil beneath.

The WSL initiated together with other institutions a research program aiming at high quality chestnut timber *(Castanea sativa)* by minimizing the costs and improving the functional features and the stability of the coppice stands.


Baer T., Furrer G., Zimmermann S., Schleppi P. (2023) Long-term additions of ammonium nitrate to montane forest ecosystems may cause limited soil acidification, even in the presence of soil carbonate. Biogeosciences. 20(22), 4577-4589. doi:10.5194/bg-20-4577-2023 Institutional Repository DORA

Walthert L., Cobos D.R., Schleppi P. (2023) Technical report. Equations for improving the accuracy of Decagon MPS-2 matric potential readings in dry soils. (WSL Berichte, Report No.: 143). Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL. 27 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:33724 Institutional Repository DORA

Bose A.K., Rigling A., Gessler A., Hagedorn F., Brunner I., Feichtinger L., … Schaub M. (2022) Lessons learned from a long‐term irrigation experiment in a dry Scots pine forest: impacts on traits and functioning. Ecol. Monogr. 92(2), e1507 (18 pp.). doi:10.1002/ecm.1507 Institutional Repository DORA

Nouraei A., Jalilvand H., Hojjati S.M., Schleppi P., Alavi S.J. (2022) Effects of artificial nitrogen deposition on the forest floor and soil chemistry in chestnut-leaved oak (Quercus castaneifolia) plantation in northern Iran. Can. J. For. Res. 52(5), 808-818. doi:10.1139/cjfr-2021-0331 Institutional Repository DORA

Schleppi P., Thimonier A. (2022) Verwendung der hemisphärischen Fotografie im Wald. Zürcher Wald. 54(2), 38-40. Institutional Repository DORA

Templer P.H., Harrison J.L., Pilotto F., Flores-Díaz A., Haase P., McDowell W.H., … Taka M. (2022) Atmospheric deposition and precipitation are important predictors of inorganic nitrogen export to streams from forest and grassland watersheds: a large-scale data synthesis. Biogeochemistry. 160, 219-241. doi:10.1007/s10533-022-00951-7 Institutional Repository DORA

Zhu J., Thimonier A., Etzold S., Meusburger K., Waldner P., Schmitt M., … Lehmann M.M. (2022) Variation in leaf morphological traits of European beech and Norway spruce over two decades in Switzerland. Front. For. Glob. Change. 4, 778351 (17 pp.). doi:10.3389/ffgc.2021.778351 Institutional Repository DORA

Hilton R.G., Turowski J.M., Winnick M., Dellinger M., Schleppi P., Williams K.H., … Hayton A. (2021) Concentration‐discharge relationships of dissolved rhenium in alpine catchments reveal its use as a tracer of oxidative weathering. Water Resour. Res. 57(11), e2021WR029844 (18 pp.). doi:10.1029/2021WR029844 Institutional Repository DORA

Schleppi P., Wessel W.W. (2021) Experimental design and interpretation of terrestrial ecosystem studies using 15N tracers: practical and statistical considerations. Front. Environ. Sci. 9, 658779 (11 pp.). doi:10.3389/fenvs.2021.658779 Institutional Repository DORA

Brüllhardt M., Rotach P., Schleppi P., Bugmann H. (2020) Vertical light transmission profiles in structured mixed deciduous forest canopies assessed by UAV-based hemispherical photography and photogrammetric vegetation height models. Agric. For. Meteorol. 281, 107843 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107843 Institutional Repository DORA

Frey B., Carnol M., Dharmarajah A., Brunner I., Schleppi P. (2020) Only minor changes in the soil microbiome of a sub-alpine forest after 20 years of moderately increased nitrogen loads. Front. For. Glob. Change. 3, 77 (18 pp.). doi:10.3389/ffgc.2020.00077 Institutional Repository DORA

Salehi M., Walthert L., Zimmermann S., Waldner P., Schmitt M., Schleppi P., … Thimonier A. (2020) Leaf morphological traits and leaf nutrient concentrations of European beech across a water availability gradient in Switzerland. Front. For. Glob. Change. 3, 19 (18 pp.). doi:10.3389/ffgc.2020.00019 Institutional Repository DORA

Veerman L., Kalbitz K., Gundersen P., Kjønaas J., Moldan F., Schleppi P., … Tietema A. (2020) The long-term fate of deposited nitrogen in temperate forest soils. Biogeochemistry. 150, 1-15. doi:10.1007/s10533-020-00683-6 Institutional Repository DORA

Cheng S.J., Hess P.G., Wieder W.R., Thomas R.Q., Nadelhoffer K.J., Vira J., … Goodale C.L. (2019) Decadal fates and impacts of nitrogen additions on temperate forest carbon storage: a data-model comparison. Biogeosciences. 16(13), 2771-2793. doi:10.5194/bg-16-2771-2019 Institutional Repository DORA

Forstner S.J., Wechselberger V., Stecher S., Müller S., Keiblinger K.M., Wanek W., … Zechmeister-Boltenstern S. (2019) Resistant soil microbial communities show signs of increasing phosphorus limitation in two temperate forests after long-term nitrogen addition. Front. For. Glob. Change. 2, 73 (23 pp.). doi:10.3389/ffgc.2019.00073 Institutional Repository DORA

Forstner S.J., Wechselberger V., Müller S., Keibinger K.M., Díaz-Pinés E., Wanek W., … Zechmeister-Boltenstern S. (2019) Vertical redistribution of soil organic carbon pools after twenty years of nitrogen addition in two temperate coniferous forests. Ecosystems. 22(2), 379-400. doi:10.1007/s10021-018-0275-8 Institutional Repository DORA

Schleppi P., Körner C., Klein T. (2019) Increased nitrogen availability in the soil under mature Picea abies trees exposed to elevated CO2 concentrations. Front. For. Glob. Change. 2, 59 (11 pp.). doi:10.3389/ffgc.2019.00059 Institutional Repository DORA

Schleppi P. (2019) Long-term experimental nitrogen addition to a subalpine Picea abies forest. In DBG Mitteilungen: Vol. 119. Exkursionsführer Bern 2019. Erd-reich und Boden-Landschaften. Kiel; Göttingen: DGB. 154-162. Institutional Repository DORA

Thimonier A., Kosonen Z., Braun S., Rihm B., Schleppi P., Schmitt M., … Thöni L. (2019) Total deposition of nitrogen in Swiss forests: comparison of assessment methods and evaluation of changes over two decades. Atmos. Environ. 198, 335-350. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.10.051 Institutional Repository DORA

Zellweger F., Baltensweiler A., Schleppi P., Huber M., Küchler M., Ginzler C., Jonas T. (2019) Estimating below‐canopy light regimes using airborne laser scanning: an application to plant community analysis. Ecol. Evol. 9(16), 9149-9159. doi:10.1002/ece3.5462 Institutional Repository DORA

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