Research Interests

  • Economics of land use and settlement development
  • Use and development of peripherial areas of Switzerland
  • Nature conservation and biodiversity
  • Environmental economic instruments 
  • Post-growth society


Biological diversity has a huge potential to preserve and support agricultural ecosystem services. This project analyses the impact of agricultural and environmental policies on biodiversity and ecosystem services of agricultural production systems.

The research project examines the potential for sufficiency policies in rural municipalities, the factors that inhibit and promote such policies, and how the federal government and cantons can support municipalities in developing and implementing sufficiency policies.

Socio-economic scenarios for Switzerland are being developed in a broad-based participatory process. The results serve as the basis for long-term, strategic planning and decision-making processes in the area of climate protection and adaptation.

Such transformations require structural, sometimes disruptive change and innovations. Our project aims to analyse the emergence of net-zero transformations.

The Ukraine only covers half of its energy demand with own resources. This project determines how wood resp. energy wood in areas with high forest cover can be used more efficiently, and which economic and ecological consequences will arise.

This project examines the interplay between climate change adaptation measures at federal level and the SDGs, identifies conflicting goals and synergies and assesses the adaptation measures in terms of their contribution to achieving the SDGs.

The FORACCA project, funded by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), aims to support climate-smart forest restoration and climate-resilient local development in Armenia. The project provides cutting-edge knowledge and targeted support for policy development and implementation at different impact level.

AlpFUTUR aims at identifying prospects regarding the use of the Swiss alpine pasturing area in the short and medium term (10 to 40 years).


Gisler L., Björnsen A., Bowman G., Buchecker M., Burg V., Hersperger A., … Seidl I. (2024) Energiewende: kommunale und regionale Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Merkblatt für die Praxis: Vol. 75. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL. 12 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:35816 Institutional Repository DORA

Gisler L., Björnsen A., Bowman G., Buchecker M., Burg V., Hersperger A., … Seidl I. (2024) Transition énergétique: possibilités d’action aux niveaux communal et régional. Notice pour la pratique: Vol. 75. Birmensdorf: Institut fédéral de recherches WSL. 12 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:35818 Institutional Repository DORA

Hug M., Mayer H., Seidl I. (2024) Transformative firm-level agency: a case study of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Swiss wood-processing industry. Prog. Econ. Geog. 2(2), 100020 (14 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.peg.2024.100020 Institutional Repository DORA

Iten T., Seidl I., Pütz M. (2024) Sufficiency policy: a definition, conceptual framework, and application to municipalities. Sustain. Sci. 19, 1709-1734. doi:10.1007/s11625-024-01534-1 Institutional Repository DORA

Guthauser A., Pütz M., Seidl I., Olschewski R. (2023) How to achieve the net-zero target? Lessons learned from past transformations. PLOS Sustain. Transform. 2(6), e0000068 (27 pp.). doi:10.1371/journal.pstr.0000068 Institutional Repository DORA

Seidl I. (2023) Les scénarios démographiques à relier aux limites écologiques. Inforum. (1), 14-19. Institutional Repository DORA

Seidl I., Zahrnt A. (2023) Unabhängig werden vom Wirtschaftswachstum: Implikationen für Arbeit, Märkte und Globalisierung. In R. Sturn & U. Klüh (Eds.), Jahrbuch Normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik: Vol. 20. Globalisierungs- und Wachstumsgrenzen. Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag. 39-59. Institutional Repository DORA

Seidl I. (2023) Ökologische Grenzen für Bevölkerungsszenarien. Inforaum. (1), 14-19. Institutional Repository DORA

Gottwald F.T., Seidl I., Zahrnt A. (2022) Meaningful activities in agriculture. Agro-culture as a guiding principle. In I. Seidl & A. Zahrnt (Eds.), Post-growth work. Employment and meaningful activities within planetary boundaries. London: Routledge. 122-133. doi:10.4324/9781003187370-14 Institutional Repository DORA

Gubler L., Seidl I. (2022) Biodiversitätsschädigende Subventionen in der landwirtschaftlichen Strukturverbesserung. Geomat. Schweiz. 120(3-4), 14-16. Institutional Repository DORA

Gubler L., Seidl I. (2022) Fragen an Lena Gubler und Irmi Seidl: wie schwächen staatliche Subventionen die Biodiversität? In K. Gantenbein, D. Siegrist, Z. Stadler, S. Badan, & L. Wiget (Eds.), Auf Klimaspuren - eine Expediton von Illanz nach Genf. Zürich: Edition Hochparterre. 228-230. Institutional Repository DORA

Hug M., Mayer H., Seidl I. (2022) Transformative enterprises: characteristics and a definition. Geogr. Compass. 16(12), e12667 (21 pp.). doi:10.1111/gec3.12667 Institutional Repository DORA

Russo S., Seidl I. (2022) "Keeping the economy within planetary boundaries.". WSL mag. Diagonal. 2022(2), 10-11. Institutional Repository DORA

Russo S., Seidl I. (2022) «Une économie qui respecte les limites planétaires». Mag. WSL Diagonale. 2022(2), 10-11. Institutional Repository DORA

Russo S., Seidl I. (2022) «Wirtschaften innerhalb der planetaren Grenzen». WSL-Mag. Diagonal. 2022(2), 10-11. Institutional Repository DORA

Seidl I., Zahrnt A. (2022) Die Grenzen des Wachstums werden konkret. Ökol. Wirtsch. 37(2), 18-19. doi:10.14512/OEW370218 Institutional Repository DORA

Seidl I., Zahrnt A. (2022) Eine kurze Geschichte der Wachstumskritik. In L. Franzini, R. Herzog, S. Rutz, F. Ryser, K. Ziltener, & P. Zwicky (Eds.), Postwachstum? Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen um einen grundlegenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Zürich: Edition 8. 15-25. Institutional Repository DORA

Seidl I., Zahrnt A. (2022) Employment, meaningful activity and the postgrowth society. In I. Seidl & A. Zahrnt (Eds.), Post-growth work. Employment and meaningful activities within planetary boundaries. London: Routledge. 3-15. doi:10.4324/9781003187370-2 Institutional Repository DORA

Seidl I., Zahrnt A. (2022) Ernüchternde Bilanz nach einem halben Jahrhundert. Warnungen des Club of Rome blieben weitgehend folgenlos. Neue Ges. Frankf. Hefte. (3), 52-55. Institutional Repository DORA

Seidl I., Küffer C. (2022) Neue Qualitäten durch Lösungsbeiträge zur Umweltkrise. In Hauseigentümerverband Kanton Zürich (2022): Gebaut. Erworben. Angekommen. Ein Positionsbezug des Hauseigentümerverbands des Kantons Zürich im 102. Jahr seines Bestehens. Zürich: HEV Kanton Zürich. 42-44. Institutional Repository DORA

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