
El-Keblawy A., Elsheikh E.A.E., Novoa A., Shackleton R.T., Sheteiwy M., Shaltout S.K. (2025) Effects of conspecific and congeneric soils and litters on the nodulation and growth of non-native invasive and native Prosopis species in arid deserts. J. Arid Environ. 227, 105319 (9 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2025.105319 Institutional Repository DORA

Moslehi M., Ahmadi F., Matinizadeh M., Sadeghi S.M., Izadi M., Faunae N., … Shackleton R.T. (2025) Native versus non-native Prosopis woody species: which fertilize the soil better? Folia Oecol. 52(1), 70-81. doi:10.2478/foecol-2025-0008 Institutional Repository DORA

Cadotte M.W., Alabbasi M., Akib S., Chandradhas P., Gui J., Huang K., … Shackleton R.T. (2024) Gauging the threat of invasive species to UNESCO world heritage sites relative to other anthropogenic threats. Biol. Invasions. 26, 3959-3973. doi:10.1007/s10530-024-03424-0 Institutional Repository DORA

Ferretti M., Fischer C., Gessler A., Graham C., Meusburger K., Abegg M., … Shackleton R.T. (2024) Advancing forest inventorying and monitoring. Ann. For. Sci. 81(1), 6 (25 pp.). doi:10.1186/s13595-023-01220-9 Institutional Repository DORA

Guareschi S., Mathers K.L., South J., Navarro L.M., Renals T., Hiley A., … Wood P.J. (2024) Framing challenges and polarized issues in invasion science: toward an interdisciplinary agenda. BioScience. 74(12), 825-839. doi:10.1093/biosci/biae084 Institutional Repository DORA

Ivey P., van Staden G., Harding G., Oosthuizen D., Hoft E., van Staden P., … Shackleton R. (2024) Local and national stakeholders collaborate to take on Prosopis invasions with biological control and biomass use in South Africa. S. Afr. J. Sci. 120(9-10), 17928 (9 pp.). doi:10.17159/sajs.2024/17928 Institutional Repository DORA

Kachena L., Shackleton R.T. (2024) The impact of the invasive alien plant Vernonanthurapolyanthes on conservation and livelihoods in the Chimanimani uplands of Zimbabwe. Biol. Invasions. 26, 1749-1767. doi:10.1007/s10530-024-03275-9 Institutional Repository DORA

Klesse S., Portier J., Shackleton R. (2024) Bohren beeinflusst weder das Wachstum noch die Sterblichkeit. Wald Holz. 77(6), 40-41. Institutional Repository DORA

Novoa A., Vimercati G., Brundu G., Richardson D.M., Schaffner U., Brunori A., … Wilson J.R.U. (2024) Stakeholders' views on the global guidelines for the sustainable use of non-native trees. People Nat. 6(4), 1640-1654. doi:10.1002/pan3.10670 Institutional Repository DORA

Portier J., Shackleton R., Klesse S. (2024) Croissance et mortalité des arbres pas influencées par le carottage. Forêt. 77(6), 40-41. Institutional Repository DORA

Portier J., Shackleton R.T., Klesse S., Ferretti M., Flury R., Hobi M.L., … Thürig E. (2024) No evidence that coring affects tree growth or mortality in three common European temperate forest tree species. Eur. J. For. Res. 143, 129-139. doi:10.1007/s10342-023-01612-6 Institutional Repository DORA

Shackleton R.T., Fritz L., Kull C.A. (2024) Power. In F. Darbellay (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series. Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 394-398. doi:10.4337/9781035317967.ch87 Institutional Repository DORA

Shackleton R.T., Malherbe W., Biggs R. (O.) (2024) Resilience. In F. Darbellay (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series. Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 433-437. doi:10.4337/9781035317967.ch96 Institutional Repository DORA

Shackleton R.T. (2024) Social-ecological systems (SES). In F. Darbellay (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedias in the social sciences series. Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 483-486. doi:10.4337/9781035317967.ch106 Institutional Repository DORA

Kull C.A., Nguyen V.H.T., Cochard R., Ngo D.T., Pham T.P.T., Shackleton R.T., … Tran T.N. (2023) New forests and new forest people in central Vietnam: the Acacia boom. In D. M. Richardson, J. J. Le Roux, & E. Marchante (Eds.), Wattles: Australian Acacia species around the world. CAB international. 399-415. doi:10.1079/9781800622197.0025 Institutional Repository DORA

Pham T.P.T., Tran N.T., Kull C.A., Shackleton R.T., Cochard R., Nguyen T.H.M., … Vu T.T.T. (2023) Factors influencing farmers' forestland-use changes over 15 years (2005-2020) in Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. Int. For. Rev. 25(1), 71-91. doi:10.1505/146554823836838682 Institutional Repository DORA

Shackleton R.T., Ferretti M. (2023) Advanced monitoring and inventory in Switzerland (SwissAIM): Neue Konzepte, um Waldinventuren und Monitoringprogramme zusammenzuführen. Infoblatt Arbeitsgr. Waldplan. manag. 2023(2), 1-3. Institutional Repository DORA

Shackleton R.T., Walters G., Bluwstein J., Djoudi H., Fritz L., Lafaye de Micheaux F., … Kull C.A. (2023) Navigating power in conservation. Conserv. Sci. Pract. 5(3), e12877 (17 pp.). doi:10.1111/csp2.12877 Institutional Repository DORA

Sharifian A., Niknahad–Gharmakher H., Foladizada M., Tabe A., Shackleton R.T. (2023) Socio-ecological evidence highlights that native Prosopis species are better for arid land restoration than non-native ones. Restor. Ecol. 31(2), e13756 (9 pp.). doi:10.1111/rec.13756 Institutional Repository DORA

Tran Quoc C., Tran Nam T., Kull C.A., Nguyen Van L., Dinh T.T., Cochard R., … Phuong Thao P.T. (2023) Factors associated with deforestation probability in central Vietnam: a case study in Nam Dong and A Luoi districts. J. For. Res. 28(3), 159-167. doi:10.1080/13416979.2023.2182259 Institutional Repository DORA

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