Research interests

  • Statistical modeling of ecological data
  • Disturbance ecology in forest ecosystems
  • Projection of forest development with regard to forest management and disturbances
  • Spatially representative modeling of forest development

Curriculum vitae

Since 08. 2014 Scientific staff member at WSL
10. 2013 - 07. 2014 PostDoc at WSL, Project Mobstrat
10. 2009 - 10. 2013 Ph.D. thesis in the Forest Ecology Group, ETH Zurich:

"Spatio-temporal infestation dynamics of the European spruce bark beetle in Switzerland: quantifying environmental drivers and effects of forest management"

10. 2002 - 10. 2008 Bachelor and Master Studies in Environmental Sciences, ETH Zurich
Major: Forest and Landscape Management


Supervised theses

Walker S. 2011. Untersuchung der Buchdruckerkalamität in der Schweiz nach Lothar. Selbständige technisch-naturwissenschaftliche Bachelorarbeit, ETH Zurich. 28 S.

Schmutz S. 2010. Modellierung der Prädisposition für Buchdruckerbefall: GIS-Analyse für die Kantone Bern und Luzern. Selbständige technisch-naturwissenschaftliche Bachelorarbeit. ETH Zürich. 35 S.


The project aims to determine the nutrient balance of various Swiss sites by means of comprehensive soil analyses and to develop nutrient balances aiming to maintain and promote soil fertility and biodiversity.

We are studying the impacts of forest management on a variety of forest services. Using two models and a range of indicators we are simulating forest development and services with a variety of management and climate scenarios.

We demonstrate optimization pathways of forest management to mitigate climate change.


Rougemont V., Portier J., Stadelmann G., Aubry M. (2025) Approches suisse et française pour l'adaptation des forêts aux changements climatiques. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 176(1), 44-47. doi:10.3188/szf.2025.0044 Institutional Repository DORA

Suvanto S., Esquivel‐Muelbert A., Schelhaas M.‐J., Astigarraga J., Astrup R., Cienciala E., … Pugh T.A.M. (2025) Understanding Europe's forest harvesting regimes. Earth Future. 13(2), e2024EF005225 (20 pp.). doi:10.1029/2024EF005225 Institutional Repository DORA

Flury R., Portier J., Rohner B., Baltensweiler A., Di Bella Meusburger K., Scherrer D., … Stadelmann G. (2024) Soil and climate‐dependent ingrowth inference: broadleaves on their slow way to conquer Swiss forests. Ecography. 2024(7), e07174 (14 pp.). doi:10.1111/ecog.07174 Institutional Repository DORA

Malinverno N., Buschor S., Vogel K., Schwarze F., Stadelmann G., Thürig E., … Som C. (2024) Resolving complexity: material flow analysis of a national wood flow system integrating the versatility of wood. J. Ind. Ecol. 28(6), 1716-1729. doi:10.1111/jiec.13560 Institutional Repository DORA

Stadelmann G., Portier J., Rohner B., Frehner M., Ibrahim M., Klesse S., … Flury R. (2024) Ökologisch kohärente Baumartengruppen für die praxisnahe Forschung. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 175(6), 312-313. doi:10.3188/szf.2024.0312 Institutional Repository DORA

Scherrer D., Baltensweiler A., Bürgi M., Fischer C., Stadelmann G., Wohlgemuth T. (2023) Low naturalness of Swiss broadleaf forests increases their susceptibility to disturbances. For. Ecol. Manag. 532, 120827 (8 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.120827 Institutional Repository DORA

Thees O., Lemm R., Stadelmann G. (2023) Künftige Waldenergieholzpotentiale im Kanton Bern. Amt für Wald und Naturgefahren des Kantons Bern (AWN). 75 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Erni M., Thees O., Lemm R., Stadelmann G., Schweier J., Zenner E.K. (2022) Zukünftige Potenziale der nachhaltigen Waldenergieholzversorgung in der Schweiz. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 173(1), 24-35. doi:10.3188/szf.2022.0024 Institutional Repository DORA

Mey R., Zell J., Thürig E., Stadelmann G., Bugmann H., Temperli C. (2022) Tree species admixture increases ecosystem service provision in simulated spruce- and beech-dominated stands. Eur. J. For. Res. 141, 801-820. doi:10.1007/s10342-022-01474-4 Institutional Repository DORA

Zimmermann S., Stadelmann G., Kurz D., Thrippleton T., Schweier J. (2022) Nährstoffnachhaltigkeit bei Waldbewirtschaftung. In Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL (Ed.), WSL Berichte: Vol. 126. Waldböden - intakt und funktional. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 57-64. doi:10.55419/wsl:32007 Institutional Repository DORA

Forrester D.I., Hobi M.L., Mathys A.S., Stadelmann G., Trotsiuk V. (2021) Calibration of the process-based model 3-PG for major central European tree species. Eur. J. For. Res. 140, 847-868. doi:10.1007/s10342-021-01370-3 Institutional Repository DORA

Forrester D.I., Mathys A.S., Stadelmann G., Trotsiuk V. (2021) Effects of climate on the growth of Swiss uneven-aged forests: combining >100 years of observations with the 3-PG model. For. Ecol. Manag. 494, 119271 (19 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119271 Institutional Repository DORA

Käber Y., Meyer P., Stillhard J., De Lombaerde E., Zell J., Stadelmann G., … Bigler C. (2021) Tree recruitment is determined by stand structure and shade tolerance with uncertain role of climate and water relations. Ecol. Evol. 11(17), 12182-12203. doi:10.1002/ece3.7984 Institutional Repository DORA

Mathys A.S., Bottero A., Stadelmann G., Thürig E., Ferretti M., Temperli C. (2021) Presenting a climate-smart forestry evaluation framework based on national forest inventories. Ecol. Indic. 133, 108459 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108459 Institutional Repository DORA

Mey R., Stadelmann G., Thürig E., Bugmann H., Zell J. (2021) From small forest samples to generalised uni and bimodal stand descriptions. Methods Ecol. Evol. 12(4), 634-645. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13566 Institutional Repository DORA

Portier J., Wunder J., Stadelmann G., Zell J., Abegg M., Thürig E., Rohner B. (2021) 'Latent reserves': A hidden treasure in National Forest Inventories. J. Ecol. 109, 369-383. doi:10.1111/1365-2745.13487 Institutional Repository DORA

Stadelmann G., Portier J., Didion M., Rogiers N., Thürig E. (2021) From Paris to Switzerland: four pathways to a forest reference level. Front. For. Glob. Change. 4, 685574 (13 pp.). doi:10.3389/ffgc.2021.685574 Institutional Repository DORA

Blattert C., Lemm R., Thürig E., Stadelmann G., Brändli U.B., Temperli C. (2020) Long-term impacts of increased timber harvests on ecosystem services and biodiversity: a scenario study based on national forest inventory data. Ecosyst. Serv. 45, 101150 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101150 Institutional Repository DORA

Erni M., Burg V., Bont L., Thees O., Ferretti M., Stadelmann G., Schweier J. (2020) Current (2020) and long-term (2035 and 2050) sustainable potentials of wood fuel in Switzerland. Sustainability. 12(22), 9749 (30 pp.). doi:10.3390/su12229749 Institutional Repository DORA

Schweier J., Zimmermann S., Thrippleton T., Holm S., Stadelmann G., Kurz D., Frutig F. (2020) Nutrient sustainability in Swiss wood extraction. Presented at the 1st international electronic conference on forests. . Institutional Repository DORA

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