My activities at WSL:

Research - Conservation - Group Leader

  • Research interests: How to evaluate and assess biodiversity with its different aspects? How to observe and how to mesure changes of biodiversity over time in space?
  • Conservation: Responsible for the national data base of lichens in Switzerland (Swisslichens). Consulting authorities in lichen conservation question.
  • Head of the group Biodiversity Assessment within the research unit Biodiversity and Conservation Biology.

Curriculum Vitae


Since 2006
Group leader "Biodiversity Assessment" at the Swiss Federal Research Insitute WSL, Birmensdorf
Team leader at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf
1995-2003 Scientist at the Swiss Federal Research Insitute WSL, Birmensdorf
Studies in Biology at the University of Zurich (Dipoma in Botany)

Research projects

Since 2005
ForestBIOTA - Forest Biodiversity Test-phase Assessments
Responsible for the development and technical advice for lichens. Co-funded by the European Union under Forest Regulation (Forest Focus).
Since 2002 Lacope - Landscape Development, Biodiversity and Co-operative Livestock System
Project leader, responsible for Switzerland. Co-funded by the European Union under the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme.
Since 2002 Biotopschutz - Modul Flechte
Responsible for the federal data base of lichens in Switzerland. Consultant for nature conservation of lichens in Switzerland. Co-funded by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.
2002-2006 MfM-U - Monitoring flankierende Massnahmen Umwelt
Project leader, responsible for the module Biodiversity. Co-funded by the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications UVEC.
2002-2004 BIOASSESS - Biodiversity Assessment Tool Project
Project leader, responsible for Switzerland. Co-funded by the European Union under the Global change, Climate and Biodiversity key action of the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme.
1997-2000 Wirkungskontrolle Moorbiotope
Responsibilities: Field work (assessment of phanerogames and bryophytes), determination of bryophytes. Co-funded by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.
1995-2002 The Redlist of Threatened Lichens in Switzerland
Team coordination, responsible for database, fieldwork. Co-funded by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN.


Professional affiliations

Since 2000
President of the Swiss Assiciation of Bryology and Lichenology BRYOLICH.
Since 2000
Member of the Senat of the Swiss Academy of Sciences Scnat.
Since 2000
Member of the advisory board of the International Association of Lichenology.
Since 2004
Editor of  scientific journal “Cryptogamica Helvetica”
Since 2006
Board member of the platform “Biology“ of the Swiss Academy of Sciences Scnat


Das Waldlabor Zürich zeigt und erklärt auf 150 Hektaren den vom Menschen genutzten und gepflegten Kulturwald . Im öffentlich zugänglichen Freiluftlabor erforscht das Waldlabor Zürich historische, aktuelle und künftige Formen der Waldbewirtschaftung und macht sie so erlern- und erlebbar.

Intraspecific genetic diversity is a component of biodiversity that is often overlooked. Therefore, GenDiB sets out to compile the basic principles for establishing a new database comprising data on genetic diversity in populations of wild species in Switzerland.

The Swiss Fungus Data and Information Centre SwissFungi supports an innovative book and app project by Haupt Verlag and the mushroom book author duo Ruedi Winkler and Gaby Keller.

The Red list of threatened epiphytic and terricolous lichens in Switzerland from 2002 is being updated between 2017 and 2021. The field work, during which representative data on the distribution and abundance of the species were collected, has been completed. We are currently analysing the data and compiling the Red List.

The first Red List of Switzerland's macrofungi was published in 2007. Within the framework of this project, a reassessment of the threat levels of Swiss macrofungi is being carried out on behalf of the FOEN.


Bergamini A., Stofer S., Vonarburg C., Finsterwald E., Steffen J., Amann S., … Zimmermann E. (2024) Moose und Flechten in Gärten - Resultate eines Projekts der Bryolich. Meylania. 74, 15-28. Institutional Repository DORA

Gugerli F., Brodbeck S., Bebi P., Bollmann K., Dauphin B., Gossner M., … Zweifel R. (2024) Il dschember – purtret d’ün bös-ch da god da muntogna. Merkblatt für die Praxis: Vol. 72 Rumantsch vallader. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 16 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:37222 Institutional Repository DORA

von Hirschheydt G., Kéry M., Ekman S., Stofer S., Dietrich M., Keller C., Scheidegger C. (2024) Occupancy model reveals limited detectability of lichens in a standardised large‐scale monitoring. J. Veg. Sci. 35(2), e13255 (11 pp.). doi:10.1111/jvs.13255 Institutional Repository DORA

Hagmann K., Keller C., Scheidegger C., Stofer S., Fink S. (2023) Wasserflechten in alpinen Quell-Lebensräumen. Lichens aquatiques dans les milieux fontinaux alpins. Nat. Paysag. Nat. Landsch. Inside. (1), 24-28. Institutional Repository DORA

Hischier C.M., Frey D., Römer N., Scheidegger C., Stofer S., Vust M., Fink S. (2023) Die Verhüllende Korallenflechte. Eine geschützte Auenart im Fokus von Naturschutz und Wasserbau. Merkblatt für die Praxis: Vol. 73. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL. 8 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:33524 Institutional Repository DORA

Hischier C.M., Frey D., Römer N., Scheidegger C., Stofer S., Vust M., Fink S. (2023) Il lichene Stereocaulon incrustatum. Focus su una specie protetta delle zone golenali dal punto di vista
della conservazione della natura e dell‘ingegneria idraulica
. Notizie per la pratica: Vol. 73. Birmensdorf: Istituto federale di ricerca. 8 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:33592
Institutional Repository DORA

Hischier C.M., Frey D., Römer N., Scheidegger C., Stofer S., Vust M., Fink S. (2023) Le lichen corail cendré des sables. Enjeu de la protection de la nature et de l'aménagement des cours d'eau. Notice pour le praticien: Vol. 73. Birmensdorf: Institut fédéral de recherches WSL. 8 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:33526 Institutional Repository DORA

Jöhl R., Zollinger Fischer A., Stofer S., Künzle I. (2023) Artenförderung in Biotopen von nationaler Bedeutung: Erfahrungen aus zwei Kantonen. Conservation des espèces dans les biotopes d'importance nationale: expériences de deux cantons. Nat. Paysag. Nat. Landsch. Inside. (3), 19-20. Institutional Repository DORA

Scheidegger C., Keller C., Stofer S. (2023) Flechten der Schweiz. Vielfalt, Biologie, Naturschutz. Mit 52 Exkursionen. Bern: Haupt. 592 p. Institutional Repository DORA

von Hirschheydt G., Stofer S., Kéry M. (2023) "Mixed" occupancy designs: When do additional single-visit data improve the inferences from standard multi-visit models? Basic Appl. Ecol. 67, 61-69. doi:10.1016/j.baae.2023.01.003 Institutional Repository DORA

Gabathuler M., Dietrich M., Graf N., von Hirschheydt G., Keller C., Vust M., … Stofer S. (2022) Die Revision der Roten Liste der Flechten auf Kurs. Meylania. 69, 40-45. Institutional Repository DORA

Gugerli F., Brodbeck S., Bebi P., Bollmann K., Dauphin B., Gossner M., … Zweifel R. (2022) Die Arve - Portrait eines Gebirgswaldbaums. Merkblatt für die Praxis: Vol. 72. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL. 16 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:31959 Institutional Repository DORA

Gugerli F., Brodbeck S., Bebi P., Bollmann K., Dauphin B., Gossner M., … Zweifel R. (2022) L'arole - portrait d'un montagnard. Notice pour le praticien: Vol. 72. Birmensdorf: Institut fédéral de recherches WSL. 16 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:31960 Institutional Repository DORA

Gugerli F., Brodbeck S., Bebi P., Bollmann K., Dauphin B., Gossner M., … Zweifel R. (2022) Swiss stone pine - portrait of a mountain forest tree. WSL: fact sheet: Vol. 72. Birmensdorf: Swiss Federal Institute WSL. 16 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:32467 Institutional Repository DORA

Bergamini A., Vonarburg C., Stofer S. (2021) Moose und Flechten in Gärten - auf zum Endspurt!. Meylania. 68, 54-55. Institutional Repository DORA

Keller C., Gabathuler M., Stofer S. (2021) Äste, Äste, Äste - besondere Flechten im Zürcher Weinland. Meylania. 67, 31-36. Institutional Repository DORA

Fabian Y., Holderegger R., Bollmann K., Brang P., Heiri C., Olschewski R., … Stofer S. (2020) Welche Informationsquellen nutzt die Naturschutzpraxis? Nat. Landsch. 95(3), 179-184. doi:10.17433/4.2020.50153795.179-184 Institutional Repository DORA

Rembold K., Junge A.L., Amiet F., Balzari C.' A., Bergamini A., Blaser S., … Fischer M. (2020) Vielfalt bedingt Vielfalt - wildlebende Arten im Botanischen Garten der Universität Bern. In C. Thalmann (Ed.), Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern: Vol. 77. Zeitreisen. Bern: Naturforschende Gesellschaft Bern. 24-68. doi:10.5169/seals-869443 Institutional Repository DORA

Dymytrova L., Brändli U.B., Stofer S., Scheidegger C. (2019) Autochthone Gebirgswälder in der Schweiz anhand von baumbewohnenden Flechten erkennen. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 170(5), 258-265. doi:10.3188/szf.2019.0258 Institutional Repository DORA

Fabian Y., Bollmann K., Brang P., Heiri C., Olschewski R., Rigling A., … Holderegger R. (2019) How to close the science-practice gap in nature conservation? Information sources used by practitioners. Biol. Conserv. 235, 93-101. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.04.011 Institutional Repository DORA

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