
The ongoing digital transformation and the push towards open science sets new challenges when it comes to data processing and reproducibility. Our project aims at addressing these issues by providing a course for WSL on the usage of modern software engineering tools and high-performance computing to enable the automation of the data pipeline and ultimately facilitating reproducible and open science.

A project to understand and model the processes of subglacial lake drainage and filling cycles in Antarctica.


Alkhimenkov Y., Khakimova L., Utkin I., Podladchikov Y. (2024) Resolving strain localization in frictional and time-dependent plasticity: Two- and three-dimensional numerical modeling study using graphical processing units (GPUs). J. Geophys. Res. B. 129(8), e2023JB028566 (27 pp.). doi:10.1029/2023JB028566 Institutional Repository DORA

Utkin I., Khakimova L., Schmalholz S.M., Podladchikov Y. (2024) Control of nonlinear bulk deformation and large shear strain on first-order phase transformation kinetics. Contin. Mech. Thermodyn. 36(5), 1195-1214. doi:10.1007/s00161-023-01245-5 Institutional Repository DORA

Räss L., Utkin I., Duretz T., Omlin S., Podladchikov Y.Y. (2022) Assessing the robustness and scalability of the accelerated pseudo-transient method. Geosci. Model Dev. 15(14), 5757-5786. doi:10.5194/gmd-15-5757-2022 Institutional Repository DORA
