Tree rings and growth

Trees react to their environment, and their wood reflects past climate variability and events such as rockfalls, avalanches or wildfire. We date and analyze these natural archives.

In our tree-ring lab - the second largest worldwide, and the largest in Europe -, we apply and develop new methodologies in dendrochronology (i.e., tree-ring analysis) and wood anatomy. The data we gain from ring width, maximum latewood density, and isotopes are accurate to the year. We use them to measure the impact of environmental stresses on wood anatomy and tree physiological processes, and to reconstruct vegetation history. By dating climate variability over the past millenia, we contribute to validating regional and global climate models.

Reconstructing ice ages

We conduct research almost all over the world and across a variety of time scales. Examples include:

  • detailed weekly analysis of the impacts of temperature on tree growth at various altitudes in the Swiss valley of Loetschental,
  • reconstructions of climate in the Northern Hemisphere over the past millennia, which revealed a period of extreme cold in Eurasia between 536 and around 660 CE,
  • interdisciplinary investigations of subfossil pines from the last glaciation, i.e. 14,000 years ago that we discovered on a construction site in Zurich.

WSL publications

Vom vielfältigen Leben in einer toten Fichte. Die Geschichte einer toten Fichte in 120 Fotos, mit fundierten Erläuterungen der biologischen Prozesse.

Available languages: German

In order to preserve stone pine forests as diverse habitats at the transition to the alpine zone under future climate conditions, an integrative approach is needed to protect biodiversity and the various functions and services provided by the forest, which include protection, utilisation and recreation.

WSL Fact sheet 722022
Available languages: GermanEnglishFrench
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The aim of this project is to compare northern and southern hemispheres temperature histories over the past millennium using tree-ring anatomy data.

Quantitative Wood Anatomy is a novel proxy for understanding environmental conditions, but data-sharing is hindered by inadequate repositories. This project will create a flexible repository for wood cell data using open-source technologies to establish an interactive, user-friendly platform.

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Products and Services

The Bibliography of Dendrochronology is a free searchable archive of printed documents relevant to tree-ring research worldwide.

This online glossary is adapted from the Multilingual Glossary of Dendrochronology (1995) and contains the definition and translation of 351 terms in 7 languages.

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