Current project at the WSL:

Doctoral student in the research group Torrents and Mass movements at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL and the Department of Environmental System Science at ETH Zürich. Project: Investigating debris flow mechanics using flume experiments and field-based 3D LiDAR sensors.

Research interests:

  • Mass movements

    •  Particular focus on shallow landslides and debris flows

    • Soil erosion

  • Landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment

  • Satellite and aerial remote sensing


Since 2021: Doctoral student, Swiss Federal Research Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmensdorf, Switzerland.

2019 – 2022: MSc in Earth Science, programme Earth Surface and Water, track Geohazards and Earth Observations, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Thesis: Effects of flow properties and bed conditions on debris flow erosion in Illgraben, Switzerland.

2014 – 2017: BSc in Geography, Stockholm University, Swedne. Thesis: Rice-yields under water-saving irrigation management: A meta-analysis.


2021: Internship at the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU). Project: A geographical and statistical investigation of a precipitation-triggered multi-landslide event in Jölster, western Norway.

2020: Research assistant at the Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University. Project: Examining the seismic signature of debris flows using physical modelling.

2018 – 2019: Substitute study advisor at the Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University.


Landslides and debris flows are hazardous phenomenon in Switzerland and worldwide. We combine field measurements, numerical modelling and laboratory experiments to further our mechanistic understanding of the motion of these types of mass movements.

The transition to renewable energies (RE) is a costly endeavor and requires large amounts of capital. This research project investigates organizations that draw on collective financing of RE, in particular we will focus the formation of these organizations and way collective financing is realized and organized.


Spielmann R., Hirschberg J., Åberg A., Huber S., Boss S., Graf C., … Aaron J. (2024) Murgangbeobachtung mit hochauflösenden 3D-Laserscannern. FAN Agenda. (1), 17-21. Institutional Repository DORA

Åberg A., Aaron J., McArdell B.W., Kirchner J., de Haas T., Hirschberg J. (2024) Field validation of the superelevation method for debris-flow velocity estimation using high-resolution lidar and UAV data. J. Geophys. Res. F. 129(11), e2024JF007857 (18 pp.). doi:10.1029/2024JF007857 Institutional Repository DORA

de Haas T., McArdell B., Nijland W., Åberg A., Hirschberg J., de Jong S., Huguenin P. (2023) Factors controlling bed and bank erosion in the Illgraben (CH). In M. Pirulli, A. Leonardi, & F. Vagnon (Eds.), E3S web of conferences: Vol. 415. 8th international conference on debris flow hazard mitigation (DFHM8). Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences. 01004 (4 pp.). doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202341501004 Institutional Repository DORA

Åberg A., Aaron J., de Haas T., McArdell B., Hirschberg J. (2023) Analysis of superelevation and debris flow velocities at Illgraben, Switzerland. In M. Pirulli, A. Leonardi, & F. Vagnon (Eds.), E3S web of conferences: Vol. 415. 8th international conference on debris flow hazard mitigation (DFHM8). Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences. 01002 (4 pp.). doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202341501002 Institutional Repository DORA

de Haas T., McArdell B.W., Nijland W., Åberg A.S., Hirschberg J., Huguenin P. (2022) Flow and bed conditions jointly control debris‐flow erosion and bulking. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49(10), e2021GL097611 (10 pp.). doi:10.1029/2021GL097611 Institutional Repository DORA
