
Der Bedarf nach einer solideren Grundlage für die Abschätzung von Niedrigwasserabflüssen in ungemessenen Gebieten ist im Nachgang zu den Trockenheitsereignissen der Jahre 2003, 2011, 2015 und 2018 gestiegen. Die massgebenden Speicher und Einflussfaktoren wie zum Beispiel Versickerungsstrecken werden

In diesem Projekt sollen Elemente der regionalen Frühwarnung vor flachgründigen Hangrutschungen in einem Pilot-Frühwarnsystem im Napfgebiet angewandt und der Nutzen für solche Frühwarnsysteme analysiert werden.

Landslides and debris flows are hazardous phenomenon in Switzerland and worldwide. We combine field measurements, numerical modelling and laboratory experiments to further our mechanistic understanding of the motion of these types of mass movements.


Rickenmann D., Ammann L., Nicollier T., Boss S., Fritschi B., Antoniazza G., … Badoux A. (2024) Indirekte Geschiebetransportmessung, Teil 1. Vergleich von verschiedenen Messsystemen. Wasser Energ. Luft. 116(1), 14-22. Institutional Repository DORA

Rickenmann D., Hug Peter D., Ammann L., Nicollier T., Boss S., Fritschi B., … Badoux A. (2024) Surrogate bedload measurements in mountain rivers: system comparison, uncertainty, new prototype. In J. Schneider (Ed.), Interpraevent 2024. Conference proceedings. Klagenfurt: Interpraevent. 685-689. Institutional Repository DORA

Spielmann R., Hirschberg J., Åberg A., Huber S., Boss S., Graf C., … Aaron J. (2024) Murgangbeobachtung mit hochauflösenden 3D-Laserscannern. FAN Agenda. (1), 17-21. Institutional Repository DORA

Antoniazza G., Dietze M., Mancini D., Turowski J.M., Rickenmann D., Nicollier T., … Lane S.N. (2023) Anatomy of an Alpine bedload transport event: a watershed‐scale seismic‐network perspective. J. Geophys. Res. F. 128(8), e2022JF007000 (30 pp.). doi:10.1029/2022JF007000 Institutional Repository DORA

Antoniazza G., Nicollier T., Boss S., Mettra F., Badoux A., Schaefli B., … Lane S.N. (2022) Hydrological drivers of bedload transport in an Alpine watershed. Water Resour. Res. 58(3), e2021WR030663 (27 pp.). doi:10.1029/2021WR030663 Institutional Repository DORA

Rickenmann D., Ammann L., Nicollier T., Boss S., Fritschi B., Antoniazza G., … Badoux A. (2022) Comparison of calibration characteristics of different acoustic impact systems for measuring bedload transport in mountain streams. Earth Surf. Dyn. 10(6), 1165-1183. doi:10.5194/esurf-10-1165-2022 Institutional Repository DORA

Antoniazza G., Nicollier T., Wyss C.R., Boss S., Rickenmann D. (2020) Bedload transport monitoring in Alpine rivers: variability in Swiss plate geophone response. Sensors. 20(15), 4089 (25 pp.). doi:10.3390/s20154089 Institutional Repository DORA

Nicollier T., Rickenmann D., Boss S., Travaglini E., Hartlieb A. (2020) Calibration of the Swiss plate geophone system at the Zinal field site with direct bedload samples and results from controlled flume experiments. In W. Uijttewaal, M. J. Franca, D. Valero, V. Chavarrias, C. Ylla Arbós, R. Schielen, & A. Crosato (Eds.), River flow 2020. Proceedings of the 10th conference on fluvial hydraulics. London: Taylor & Francis. 901-909. doi:10.1201/b22619-127 Institutional Repository DORA

Rickenmann D., Nicollier T., Boss S., Badoux A. (2020) Four years of bedload transport measurements in the Swiss Mountain River Albula. In W. Uijttewaal, M. J. Franca, D. Valero, V. Chavarrias, C. Ylla Arbós, R. Schielen, & A. Crosato (Eds.), River flow 2020. Proceedings of the 10th conference on fluvial hydraulics. London: Taylor & Francis. 1749-1755. doi:10.1201/b22619-245 Institutional Repository DORA

Rücker A., Zappa M., Boss S., von Freyberg J. (2019) An optimized snowmelt lysimeter system for monitoring melt rates and collecting samples for stable water isotope analysis. J. Hydrol. Hydromech. 67, 20-31. doi:10.2478/johh-2018-0007 Institutional Repository DORA

Rücker A., Boss S., Kirchner J.W., von Freyberg J. (2019) Monitoring snowpack outflow volumes and their isotopic composition to better understand streamflow generation during rain-on-snow events. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 23(7), 2983-3005. doi:10.5194/hess-23-2983-2019 Institutional Repository DORA

Graf C., Badoux A., McArdell B., Collet M., Boss S., Huguenin P. (2018) Erneuerung Murgangwaage im Illgraben. FAN Agenda. (2), 5-9. Institutional Repository DORA

Rickenmann D., Antoniazza G., Wyss C.R., Fritschi B., Boss S. (2017) Bedload transport monitoring with acoustic sensors in the Swiss Albula mountain river. Proceedings IAHS: Vol. 375. . Presented at the ICCE symposium 2016 - integrating monitoring and modelling for sediment dynamicsCopernicus. 5-10. doi:10.5194/piahs-375-5-2017 Institutional Repository DORA
