Research Interests

Environmental governance

Adaptation to climate change

Sustainability transformations

Spatial development



Socio-economic scenarios for Switzerland are being developed in a broad-based participatory process. The results serve as the basis for long-term, strategic planning and decision-making processes in the area of climate protection and adaptation.

The research project examines the potential for sufficiency policies in rural municipalities, the factors that inhibit and promote such policies, and how the federal government and cantons can support municipalities in developing and implementing sufficiency policies.

Such transformations require structural, sometimes disruptive change and innovations. Our project aims to analyse the emergence of net-zero transformations.

C3-Alps synthesizes, transfers and implements in policy and practice results of previous Alpine Space Programme projects on climate change adaptation. In Work Package 4 we will assess the performance and governance, strengths and weaknesses as well as the science-policy interface of existing adaptation policies in Alpine countries.

How do we deal with mass movements and related cascading processes in mountain regions? We answer this question by (i)analysing how climate adaptation strategies and action plans are implemented into practice and (ii) identifying factors which motivate actors to take action (or not).

Climate change and its related impacts are strongly affecting land use and land use development. But what potential lies within spatial planning? How can we better adapt to climate change risks? Are our instruments sufficient? How can we improve our existing instruments?

Spatial planning is supposed to influence land use and settlement development. But how does it really work? In this research project we analyse the impact of spatial planning on land use by comparing regional case studies in Germany and Switzerland. Conceptually and empirically we focus on governance capacities and impacts.

GoApply will contribute to the vertical and horizontal integration and further development of national climate change adaptation strategies and action plans.

This project examines the interplay between climate change adaptation measures at federal level and the SDGs, identifies conflicting goals and synergies and assesses the adaptation measures in terms of their contribution to achieving the SDGs.

The FORACCA project, funded by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), aims to support climate-smart forest restoration and climate-resilient local development in Armenia. The project provides cutting-edge knowledge and targeted support for policy development and implementation at different impact level.


Fünfgeld H., Pütz M., Braunschweiger D. (2024) Alles eine Frage der Perspektive? Gesellschaftlicher Umgang mit den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels. Polit. Ökol. 176(42), 34-40. Institutional Repository DORA

Hilbrandt H., Bluwstein J., Cima O., Duplan K., Marquardt N., Péaud L., … Vorbrugg A. (2024) Editorial: expanding knowledge geographies. Geogr. Helv. 79(3), 239-240. doi:10.5194/gh-79-239-2024 Institutional Repository DORA

Iten T., Seidl I., Pütz M. (2024) Sufficiency policy: a definition, conceptual framework, and application to municipalities. Sustain. Sci. 19, 1709-1734. doi:10.1007/s11625-024-01534-1 Institutional Repository DORA

Malburg-Graf B., Zademach H.M., Dornbach F., Dudek S., Graef M., Jerjen D., … Warner B. (2024) Große Transformation und nachhaltige Raumentwicklung machen: Impulse zur Umsetzung in der regionalen und kommunalen Praxis. Positionspapier aus der ARL: Vol. 148. Hannover: ARL - Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft. 12 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Pearson R.E., Bardsley D.K., Pütz M. (2024) Regenerative tourism in Australian wine regions. Tour. Geogr. doi:10.1080/14616688.2024.2328615 Institutional Repository DORA

Pütz M., Rössler S., Warner B. (2024) Herausfordernd vielfältig. Stadt- und Regionalplanung im Klimawandel. Polit. Ökol. 176(42), 17-24. Institutional Repository DORA

Reimann X., Pütz M. (2024) Abgleich der Ziele und Massnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel mit den Zielen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung (SDG). WSL Berichte: Vol. 159. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 63 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:38469 Institutional Repository DORA

Warner B., Pütz M. (2024) Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Stadt und Region. Raumentwicklung. Nachr. ARL. 54(02-03), 94-95. doi:10.60683/s0q5-ze87 Institutional Repository DORA

Guthauser A., Pütz M., Seidl I., Olschewski R. (2023) How to achieve the net-zero target? Lessons learned from past transformations. PLOS Sustain. Transform. 2(6), e0000068 (27 pp.). doi:10.1371/journal.pstr.0000068 Institutional Repository DORA

Lange B., Pütz M., Engstler M. (2023) Bodenseeregion. Weiterwachsen oder Neuanfang als grenzüberschreitende Postwachstumsregion? Nachr. ARL. 53(2-3), 80-82. Institutional Repository DORA

Lange B., Pütz M., Herlo B. (2023) Rethinking geographies of sovereignty: towards a conceptual framework of situated sovereignty. Geogr. Compass. 17(12), e12728 (15 pp.). doi:10.1111/gec3.12728 Institutional Repository DORA

Pütz M., Pennekamp S. (2023) Klimaangepasste Stadtentwicklung. Erfahrungen aus einem Planspiel zu Hochwasser- und Starkregenrisiken in Esslingen. Nachr. ARL. 53(2-3), 68-70. Institutional Repository DORA

Pütz M., Fujara J., Braunschweiger D. (2023) Schweizer Städte bereiten sich ungenügend auf Hitze vor. ProClim-Flash. (77), 14-15. Institutional Repository DORA

Willi Y., Pütz M., Jongerden J. (2023) Unpacking legitimacy in regional development: asymmetric justification and the functioning of regional development agencies. Territ. Polit. Gov. 11(1), 158-173. doi:10.1080/21622671.2020.1805352 Institutional Repository DORA

Danielzyk R., Durner W., Einig K., Greiving S., Grotefels S., Janßen H., … Wiechmann T. (2022) Risikobasierter Hochwasserschutz durch Regionalplanung. Positionspapier aus der ARL: Vol. 138. Hannover: ARL - Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft. 11 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Haßlacher P., Pütz M., Nischik G., Knauf C., Mayer M., Job H. (2022) Alpine open spaces in spatial planning - a plea for greater cross-border cooperation. In T. Chilla & F. Sielker (Eds.), Arbeitsberichte der ARL: Vol. 34. Cross-border spatial development in Bavaria. Dynamics in cooperation - potentials of integration. Hannover: ARL. 23-43. Institutional Repository DORA

Kießling N. (2022) Der Einfluss der überörtlichen Raumplanung auf die Siedlungsentwicklung. Analyse der Regional Governance Capacities an Beispielen in Deutschland und der Schweiz. [Doctoral dissertation] TU Dortmund. 206 p. doi:10.17877/DE290R-22959 Institutional Repository DORA

Kießling N., Pütz M. (2022) Wie funktioniert Raumplanung? Umsetzung von Instrumenten zur Steuerung der Siedlungsentwicklung in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Raumforsch. Raumordn. 80(6), 727-742. doi:10.14512/rur.137 Institutional Repository DORA

Kießling N., Wohlgemuth O., Pütz M. (2022) Zersiedelung eindämmen und Freiraum schützen. Einflussfaktoren auf die Planungspraxis der überörtlichen Raumplanung in Deutschland und der Schweiz. In S. Henn, T. Zimmermann, & B. Braunschweig (Eds.), Stadtregionales Flächenmanagement. Berlin: Springer Spektrum. 1-23. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-63295-6_9-1 Institutional Repository DORA

Lange B., Herlo B., Willi Y., Pütz M. (2022) New working spaces in rural areas. Designing a research agenda for regional sovereignty in post-pandemic times. In I. Mariotti, M. Di Marino, & P. Bednář (Eds.), The Covid-19 pandemic and the future of working spaces. Regions and cities. London: Taylor & Francis. 95-108. doi:10.4324/9781003181163-10 Institutional Repository DORA

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