
Silvia’s current research fields are spatial development and the impact of land use on ecosystem services. She has been leading complex WSL-research programs about the progress of urban sprawl and its consequences for biodiversity and human well-being. In her work, she emphasises knowledge transfer between science and practice. She features inter- and transdisciplinary research in case studies with local stakeholders. Moreover, she is an expert in soil protection with a focus on soil restoration and soil compaction by agricultural management. Her teaching activities encompass lectures at ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and the University of Applied Sciences of Zurich. She studied environmental and geodetic engineering and accomplished her PhD in soil-bioengineering at ETH Zurich.

Professional and Research Interests

  • Spatial planning: landscape development, urbanisation
  • Ecosystem services (ESS): land use impact on ESS, ESS in urban regions, restoration of ESS
  • Soil protection: soil compaction, soil restoration, soil use and management
  • Soil bio-engineering: slope stability and erosion control
  • Science–policy interface: transdisciplinary research, research synthesis, advisory services

Curriculum Vitae


Diploma Environmental engineering, ETH Zürich, 1987 (Dipl. Kulturingenieurin ETH)

Ph.D. Soil bio-engineering, ETH Zürich, 1991 (Dr. sc. techn.)

Professional Experience

Since 2001 Research programme leader at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Birmensdorf

1995 – 2001 Senior researcher at the Institute of Land Improvement and Water Management, ETH Zürich

1991 – 94 Scientific employee at the Soil Protection Service of Canton Zürich

1987 – 91 Ph.D student and teaching assistant at the Institute of Land Improvement and Water Management, ETH Zürich

1985 – 87 Tutor at the Institute of Hydromechanics and Water Supply, ETH Zürich

Teaching Activities

Since 2014 Teaching position for lecture in ‘Soil, environment, vegetation’ at University of Zurich (MSc level)

2012/2013 Guest lecturer in ‘Scorecards for knowledge visualisation’ at ZHAW Wädenswil (MSc level)

2000–2008 Teaching positions for lectures in ‘Land use, land improvement’ at ETH Zürich (BSc and graduate level)

2001–2005 Teaching position for in-depth studies (semester thesis) in ‘Land resources management’ at ETH Zürich (graduate level)

1998–2005 Teaching positions for lectures in ‘Soil bio-engineering’ at ZHAW Wädenswil (advanced training course)

Scientific and Public Services

Co-chair of the WSL Landscape Research Centre, since 2012

Member of the Advisory Board for Spatial Development of the Swiss Federal Council (Eidg. Rat für Raumordnung), since 2004

Member of the Jury of Landscape Development Projects of Canton Zürich (LEK-Jury Kanton Zürich), since 2003

President of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland, 2006–2008; Board member of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland, since 2004; President of the working group Soil Protection of the Soil Science Society of Switzerland, from 2001–2004; and since 2009

Member of the executive board of the European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC), 2004–2007

Board member of the Swiss Society of Soil Bio-Engineering, 1989–1996


The project assesses the impacts of national road construction projects on soils, evaluates best-practice examples of mitigation measures, and develops soil protection strategies for road projects in cooperation with the stakeholders.

Researchers from the ETH Domain, together with stakeholders from the Jurapark Aargau, are establishing a Real-world Lab for sustainable development. Concrete projects on various topics are being launched and implemented.

In DIGIPLAN we will analyze and compare the digitization of planning data in European countries, including the scope, organization, financing as well as the current and potential future uses of digital planning.

Can people in urban regions recover from stress in green spaces or is there too much noise? Researchers from WSL and Empa explore the audio-visual requirements green spaces have to meet to enable noise-exposed people to recover from stress.

The aim of VRtous is to study how virtual landscapes should look like to have positive effects on human well-being. Doing so, we use data from the mixed-reality cycling platform ZWIFT and survey its users.

An agent-based visitor flow management tool that allows for mitigating the conflict between outdoor recreation and biodiversity conservation will be developed for two riverine environments (lower Wigger valley and upper Glatt valley).

Attraktivität von Wäldern wird meistens anhand von visuellen Merkmalen bestimmt. Waldwahrnehmung basiert aber nicht nur auf visuellen Eindrücken - alle Sinne spielen eine Rolle. In diesem Projekt wird die Waldwahrnehmung von Waldbesuchenden mit allen Sinnen, insbesondere des Gehörsinns, erfasst.

Spatial planning is the key policy activity aimed at managing the urban environment. Within spatial planning, municipal land-use planning is often responsible for translating strategic goals into a binding code that regulates urban form and function. The tools for setting the code vary widely across Europe, however, their diversity is underresearched and poorly understood. This hinders the ongoing digitalization of planning.

How will Switzerland's cultural landscapes change under climate change? Whereas many sectoral impacts are well researched, their interacting effects on landscapes are not yet well understood. We are taking a closer look and are accompanying transformative societal processes.


Buchecker M., Fink S., Tobias S., Früh J. (2024) Ein modell-basiertes Besucherlenkungs-Tool zur Vereinbarung von Naherholung und Naturschutz. Concilier loisirs de proximité et protection de l’environnement avec un outil de modélisation des flux de visiteurs. Nat. Paysag. Nat. Landsch. Inside. (1), 18-19. Institutional Repository DORA

Bütikofer L., Adde A., Urbach D., Tobias S., Huss M., Guisan A., Randin C. (2024) High-resolution land use/cover forecasts for Switzerland in the 21st century. Sci. Data. 11(1), 231 (10 pp.). doi:10.1038/s41597-024-03055-z Institutional Repository DORA

Kawai C., Georgiou F., Pieren R., Tobias S., Mavros P., Schäffer B. (2024) Investigating effect chains from cognitive and noise-induced short-term stress build-up to restoration in an urban or nature setting using 360° VR. J. Environ. Psychol. 100, 102466 (13 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.102466 Institutional Repository DORA

Randin C., Siegrist E., Tobias S. (2024) Retour vers le futur pour les paysages de l'Entremont. In M. Hugon-duc (Ed.), Faire (avec). Science fiction du patrimoine alpin. Gollion: Musée de Bagnes. 41-49. Institutional Repository DORA

Schaupp J., Hediger K., Wunderli J.M., Schäffer B., Tobias S., Kolecka N., Bauer N. (2024) Psychophysiological effects of walking in forests and urban built environments with disparate road traffic noise exposure: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychol. 12, 250 (18 pp.). doi:10.1186/s40359-024-01720-x Institutional Repository DORA

Tobias S., Siegrist E.G., Bütikofer L., Christen J., Bürgi M., Liechti K., … Randin C. (2024) Faire vivre les paysages face aux changements climatiques. Arpeamag. (300), 49-54. Institutional Repository DORA

Tobias S., Siegrist E.G., Bürgi M., Bütikofer L., Reynard E., Guisan A., … Urbach D. (2024) Schweizer Landschaften im Klimawandel. Ein Sensibilisierungsprojekt. Collage Z. Plan. Umw. Städtebau. (5), 4-6. Institutional Repository DORA

Dopico J., Schäffer B., Brink M., Röösli M., Vienneau D., Tobias S., Wunderli J.M. (2023) Annoyance to road traffic noise and residential green: a case study in the city of Zurich, Switzerland. In ICBEN 2023 papers. Belgrade: 14th ICBEN congress on noise as public health problem. (11 pp.). Institutional Repository DORA

Dopico J., Schäffer B., Brink M., Röösli M., Vienneau D., Binz T.M., … Wunderli J.M. (2023) How do road traffic noise and residential greenness correlate with noise annoyance and long-term stress? Protocol and pilot study for a large field survey with a cross-sectional design. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 20(4), 3203 (19 pp.). doi:10.3390/ijerph20043203 Institutional Repository DORA

Hanslin H.M., Tobias S., Geiges T., Haraldsen T.K., Nemes A., ten Damme L. (2023) Assessment methodologies and mitigation measures for the impacts of road projects on soils - ROADSOIL. D7.2 Guidelines for soil management in road projects - best practice for protecting soils and mitigating impacts during road planning, construction and road operation. Conference of European Directors of Roads. 56 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Kawai C., Georgiou F., Pieren R., Tobias S., Schäffer B. (2023) Comparing the restorative effects of urban with green spaces: a laboratory study in VR. In ICBEN 2023 papers. Belgrade: 14th ICBEN congress on noise as a public health problem. (11 pp.). Institutional Repository DORA

Kolecka N., Ginzler C., Garcia Martin M., Tobias S. (2023) Airborne LiDAR Enables Measurements of "Greenness" Observed from the Human Perspective. GI_Forum J. Geogr. Inf. Sci. 11(2), 32-46. doi:10.1553/giscience2023_02_s32 Institutional Repository DORA

Kolecka N., Ginzler C., Garcia Martin M., Tobias S. (2023) Messung der Vegetation aus der Perspektive des Menschen. In Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, WSL (Ed.), WSL Berichte: Vol. 134. Neue Fernerkundungs­technologien für die Umweltforschung und Praxis. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft, WSL. 87-94. doi:10.55419/wsl:33081 Institutional Repository DORA

Tobias S., Siegrist E.G., Bütikofer L., Bürgi M., Liechti K., Reynard E., … Randin C. (2023) +4 °C et plus: les paysages suisses face au changement climatique. WSL Berichte: Vol. 140. Birmensdorf: Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage WSL. 53 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:35310 Institutional Repository DORA

Tobias S., Siegrist E.G., Bütikofer L., Bürgi M., Liechti K., Reynard E., … Randin C. (2023) +4 °C und mehr: Schweizer Landschaften im Klimawandel. WSL Berichte: Vol. 139. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 54 p. doi:10.55419/wsl:35308 Institutional Repository DORA

Tobias S., Davies M., Imhof C.S., Psomas A., Boivin P. (2023) Greening and browning of urban lawns in Geneva (Switzerland) as influenced by soil properties. Geoderma Reg. 34, e00677 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00677 Institutional Repository DORA

Dopico J., Schäffer B., García Martín M., Kolecka N., Tobias S., Schaupp J., … Wunderli J.M. (2022) Studying the association between noise exposure, stress and characteristics of green spaces: protocol and pilot study. In 51st international congress and exposition on noise control engineering. Internoise 2022. Edinburgh: Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA. 4144-4152. doi:10.3397/IN_2022_0591 Institutional Repository DORA

Fertner C., Folvig S., Christensen A.A., Grønning M., Galland D., Rutledal B., … Cuadrado A. (2022) Potential and challenges of digitisation in planning practice. Working paper. ESPON. 23 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Geiges T., Trond Knapp H., Tobias S. (2022) Comprehensive literature and best-practice review for avoiding, mitigating and compensating for impacts on soil. CEDR. 36 p. Institutional Repository DORA

Geiges T., Tobias S. (2022) Expert survey and workshop on best practices for soil protection. CEDR. 38 p. Institutional Repository DORA

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