The soil bio-physical complex and soil functions



WSL Birmensdorf, Hörsaal, and Zoom-Webinar (Link below)

Organizzato da:



Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Vogel


Jörg Luster



Tipo di evento:

Distinguished Lectures

Pubblico principale:

everybody interested in this topic


MeetingID: 68906493366 / Kenncode: 990484


Soils play a central role for the functioning of our ecosystems and the well-being of humanity. Soils are not only the basis for the production of food and other raw materials, they also provide functions such as water storage and filtration, nutrient cycling, carbon storage and being the habitat of an overwhelming biodiversity. These function emerge from complex interactions of small scale biological, physical and chemical processes. If we want to predict the impact of soil management and climate change on soil functions to support a sustainable development, the required models need to be based on a profound understanding of the underlying processes. In this presentation we discuss how small scale processes can be represented in a systemic soil model addressing soil functions and their dynamics at the scale of landscapes.