The Swiss Landscape Monitoring Program LABES



Online via Zoom

Organizzato da:

WSL Landscape Centre


Dr. Marcel Hunziker, WSL; Lina Torregroza, WSL; Prof. Dr. Felix Kienast, WSL


Silvia Tobias, WSL



Tipo di evento:

Presentazioni e colloqui

Pubblico principale:

Anyone interested in the topic


The Swiss Landscape Monitoring Program LABES is one of the first large-scale landscape observatories world-wide where not only physical/spatial data are included but landscape perception is systematically monitored by representative surveys as well. The methods and selected results of the second run of LABES2 2020 will be presented as well as results of the comparison of data from 2010 (LABES1) and 2020, allowing to evaluate the development of the (perceived) landscape quality over time. In addition, results of specific analyses aiming at evaluating the differences in (perceived) landscape quality and its temporal development within and outside nature parks in Switzerland will be presented. Finally, the attempts to integrate physical-spatial and social data from surveys by means of multi-level structural-equation modelling of LABES shall be discussed.
