Curriculum vitae


Academic education

2012 PhD thesis at the Laboratory of Applied Ecology of the University of Naples Federico II (Dipartimento di Arboricoltura, Botanica e Patologia Vegetale, Facoltà di A:graria): Modeling plant biomass partitioning: responses to environmental conditions and disturbance (Prof. Dr. Stefano Mazzoleni)
1997 Degree in Natural Sciences at the ETHZ (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), Faculty of Environmental Sciences, specialization in Biology of terrestrial systems.

Professional and research experience

since 1998 Scientific fellow [20-100%]  at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL in Bellinzona: fire ecology, statistical analysis and data visualization, software development (databases, scientific applications,  desktop/web).
2003-2006 Collaborator [60%] at the private office of environmental consultancy Trifolium, Arogno: agro-ecological projects, landscape concepts, vegetation cartography, butterfly surveys.

Service & Produkte

Swissfire é la banca dati incendi boschivi della Svizzera, nata nel 2008 da una collaborazione di WSL e UFAM (Ufficio federale dell'ambiente). La banca dati centralizza tutte le infomazioni sugli incendi boschivi e diventa perciò uno strumento importante per la gestione del fenomeno degli incendi.

Il gruppo di ricerca del WSL presso il Campus Cadenazzo ha sviluppato un metodo di previsione incendi che combina i dati statistici sugli incendi boschivi con le attuali informazioni meteorologiche locali.


Die Goldgelbe Vergilbung der Rebe (GGV) ist eine schädliche Rebenkrankheit, die mit dem Quarantäneorganismus "Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis" (GGVp) in Verbindung gebracht wird, der in der Landschaft auf Laubgehölzen wie der Schwarzerle (Alnus glutinosa) sowie auf verwilderten Weinreben überleben kann.

This project aims at improving the early detection of bark beetle damage in forests in the canton of Grisons as well as the prioritisation of management against bark beetle infestation in protective forests in the long term.

Weiterentwicklung von Instrumenten für das kosteneffektive Management von invasiven Neophyten am Modellbeispiel Asclepias syriaca im Tessin.

Provide a simplified Swiss-wide forest fire-related characterization of forest fuel types and calculate and analyse drought and fire-related remote sensing indices derived from multispectral Landsat and Sentinel-2 data.

Climate change exacerbates drought-related extremes, with significant ecological, economic, and human health impacts. MaLeFiX project is developing an interdisciplinary platform that will provide comprehensive four-week forecasts of drought-related extremes – buying stakeholders valuable time to act.

Wir erforschen die Wirksamkeit verschiedener Methoden zur mechanischen Bekämpfung des Japanknöterichs, die derzeit in Versuchsanlagen im Kanton Tessin eingesetzt werden.

"Flavescence dorée" (FD) Deutsch "Goldgelbe Vergilbung" ist eine Quarantänekrankheit, die durch das FD-Phytoplasma (FDp) verursacht wird und erstmals in den 1950er Jahren in Südwestfrankreich gemeldet wurde.

Development of a data-driven nearest neighbour model for the daily forest fire danger rating which may be used by the operators as second opinion provider.

The invasion of ecosystems by non-native species is one of the largest threats for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning worldwide. To control the spread of non-native plants, it is crucial to understand by which mechanisms they outperform native vegetation.

Erarbeitung einer waldbaulichen Entscheidungshilfe zum Umgang mit dem steigenden Druck von invasiven neophytischen Gehölzen im Kastaniengürtel vom Kanton Tessin.

Internet-Anwendung womit das Monitoring des Japanknöterichs unterstützt wird.

Die chinesische Hanfpalme, auch als Tessiner Palme bekannt, ist eine invasive Art der Schwarzen Liste, die sich in den Wäldern südlich der Alpen stark ausbreitet. Sie bildet lokal geschlossene Formationen, in denen die Ökosystemleistungen des Waldes beeinträchtigt werden könnten. Ziel des Projekts ist es, ein Bild der Situationsentwicklung zu vermitteln.

The WSL initiated together with other institutions a research program aiming at high quality chestnut timber *(Castanea sativa)* by minimizing the costs and improving the functional features and the stability of the coppice stands.


Conedera M., Pezzatti G.B., Guglielmetti A., Maringer J., Gehring E., Krebs P. (2025) Are high-severity burns in Alpine beech forests related to eruptive fire behavior? Forestry. 98(1), 50-58. doi:10.1093/forestry/cpad036 Institutional Repository DORA

Aranda M.J., Conedera M., Pezzatti G.B., Gehring E. (2024) Landscape, site and post-disturbance forest stand characteristics modulate the colonisation of non-native invasive woody species. For. Ecol. Manag. 565, 122017 (10 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2024.122017 Institutional Repository DORA

Conedera M., Feusi J., Pezzatti B., Krebs P. (2024) Grandi incendi e gestione del paesaggio. Agric. ticin. 156(9), 8-9. Institutional Repository DORA

Conedera M., Feusi J., Pezzatti G.B., Krebs P. (2024) Linking the future likelihood of large fires to occur on mountain slopes with fuel connectivity and topography. Nat. Hazards. 120, 4657-4673. doi:10.1007/s11069-023-06395-y Institutional Repository DORA

Conedera M., Pezzatti B., Fehr V., Oggier A., Rizzoli A. (2024) Resoconto delle attività di ricerca del WSL Cadenazzo - Anno 2023. Forestaviva. 93, 12-13. Institutional Repository DORA

Fehr V., Minetti A., Conedera M., Pezzatti G.B. (2024) First evidence of establishment of the palm borer moth Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, 1879) in southern Switzerland. BioInvasions Rec. 13(4), 901-908. doi:10.3391/bir.2024.13.4.05 Institutional Repository DORA

Fehr V., Moretti M., Pezzatti G.B., Guidotti G., Rasmann S., Handa I.T., … Svenning J.C. (2024) Non-native palm affects arthropod communities and litter decomposition in an ongoing biome shift. Glob. Ecol. Conserv. 56, e03303 (15 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03303 Institutional Repository DORA

Fehr V., Conedera M., Fratte M.D., Cerabolini B., Benedetti C., Buitenwerf R., … Pezzatti G.B. (2024) The alien Chinese windmill palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) impacts forest vegetation and regeneration on the southern slope of the European Alps. Appl. Veg. Sci. 27, e12765 (14 pp.). doi:10.1111/avsc.12765 Institutional Repository DORA

Gehring E., Pezzatti G.B., Conedera M., Plozza L. (2024) Uno strumento pianificatorio supplementare per gestire le neofite legnose invasive. Forestaviva. 95, 13-15. Institutional Repository DORA

Jousson A., Conedera M., Krebs P., Maspoli G., Pezzatti G.B. (2024) Anatomical characteristics and resprouting capacity of the underground organs of Bohemian knotweed (Polygonum ×bohemicum). Weed Sci. 72(2), 172-181. doi:10.1017/wsc.2023.77 Institutional Repository DORA

Jousson A., Maggini R., Pezzatti G.B., Conedera M., Bernasconi L., Mangili S., … Gentilini M. (2024) Il sorgo d'Aleppo: problematica e sfide future. Agric. ticin. 153(26), 8-10. Institutional Repository DORA

Jousson A., Pezzatti G.B., Conedera M., Krebs P., Maspoli G. (2024) Lotta ai poligoni asiatici: è importante distinguere tra rizomi e radici. Agric. ticin. 156(12), 14-15. Institutional Repository DORA

Jousson A., Pezzatti G.B., Conedera M., Krebs P. (2024) Lutter contre les renouées asiatiques en étudiant leurs organes souterrains. Agri Hebdo. 7, 21. Institutional Repository DORA

Juillard T., Grossiord C., Conedera M., Deluigi J., Pezzatti G.B., Bachofen C. (2024) Invasive palms have more efficient and prolonged CO2 assimilation compared to native sub-Mediterranean vegetation. For. Ecol. Manag. 556, 121743 (9 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121743 Institutional Repository DORA

Krebs P., Conedera M., Pezzatti G.B. (2024) Welche Rolle spielt die Landschaftspflege bei Waldbränden? Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. 175(5), 264-267. doi:10.3188/szf.2024.0264 Institutional Repository DORA

Pezzatti G.B., Conedera M., Krebs P., Gehring E. (2024) Alpensüdseite: Für die Tieflagen-Wälder ist die Zukunft schon eingetroffen. Syntopia Alpina. (9 pp.). Institutional Repository DORA

Pezzatti B., Conedera M., Fehr V. (2024) Prime segnalazioni di diffusione spontanea del castanide della palma in Ticino. Agric. ticin. 156(41), 10-11. Institutional Repository DORA

Pezzatti G.B., Conedera M. (2024) Waldbrände auf der Alpennordseite. Info BWSo. 2, 4-5. Institutional Repository DORA

Rattalino G., Pezzatti G.B., Conedera M., Cadlini G., Monti G., Plozza L. (2024) A fenomeni particolari, soluzioni innovative. 118 150(9), 86-89. Institutional Repository DORA

Rattalino G., Pezzatti G.B., Conedera M., Cadlini G., Monti G., Plozza L. (2024) A phénomènes particuliers, solutions innovantes. 118 150(9), 70-73. Institutional Repository DORA

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