Rellstab & Keller (accepted): Can we use genomic data to predict maladaptation to environmental change? Invited perspective. Molecular Ecology Resources. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.14059
Pütz, Jansen, Reutimann, Rellstab, Bordács & Neophytou (accepted): The influence of post-glacial migration and hybridization on the gene pool of marginal Quercus pubescens populations in Central Europe. Annals of Botany. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcae216
Zimmermann, Reutimann, Baltensweiler, Walthert, Olofsson & Rellstab, 2025: Fine-scale variation in soil properties promotes local taxonomic diversity of hybridizing oak species (Quercus spp.). Evolutionary Applications 18. e70076. DOI: 10.1111/eva.70076
Milesi, Kastally, Dauphin, Cervantes, Bagnoli, Budde, Cavers, Fady, Faivre-Rampant, González-Martínez, Grivet, Gugerli, Jorge, Lesur Kupin, Ojeda, Olsson, Opgenoorth, Pinosio, Plomion, Rellstab, Rogier, Scalabrin, Scotti, Vendramin, Westergren, Lascoux & Pyhäjärvi on behalf of the GenTree Consortium, 2024: Resilience of genetic diversity in forest trees over the Quaternary. Nature Communications 8: 8538. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52612-y
Whiting, Booker, Rougeux, Lind, Singh, Lu, Huang, Whitlock, Aitken, Andrew, Borevitz, Bruhl, Collins, Fischer, Hodgins, Holliday, Ingvarsson, Janes, Khandaker, Koenig, Kreiner, Kremer, Lascoux, Leroy, Milesi, Murray, Pyhäjärvi, Rellstab, Rieseberg, Roux, Stinchcombe, Telford, Todesco, Tyrmi, Wang, Weigel, Willi, Wright, Zhou & Yeaman, 2024: The genetic architecture of repeated local adaptation to climate in distantly-related plants. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8: 1933-1947. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02514-5
Leigh, Vandergast, Hunter, Crandall, Funk, Garroway, Hoban, Oyler-McCance, Rellstab, Segelbacher, Schmidt, Vázquez-Domínguez & Paz-Vinas, 2024: Don’t make genetic data disposable: Best practices for genetic and genomic data archiving. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8: 1224-1232. DOI: 10.1038/s41559-024-02423-7
Perry, Aravanopoulos, Budde, Hansen, Rellstab, Schroeder & Curtu, 2024: Resilient forests for the future. Meeting Review. Tree Genetics & Genomes 20:17. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-024-01651-z
- Kremer, Delcamp, Lesur, Wagner, Rellstab, Guichoux & Leroy, 2024: Whole-genome screening for near-diagnostic genetic markers for white oak species identification in Europe. Annals of Forest Science 81: 21. DOI: 10.1186/s13595-024-01236-9
- Budde, Rellstab, Heuertz, Gugerli, Hanika, Verdú, Pausa & González-Martíne, 2024: Divergent selection in a Mediterranean pine on local spatial scales. Journal of Ecology 112: 278-290. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14231
- Reutimann, Dauphin, Baltensweiler, Gugerli, Kremer & Rellstab, 2023: Abiotic factors predict taxonomic composition and genetic admixture in populations of hybridizing white oak species (Quercus spp.) at regional scale. Tree Genetics & Genomes 19: 22. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-023-01598-7
Dauphin, Rellstab, Wüest, Karger, Holderegger, Manel & Gugerli, 2023: Re-thinking the environment in landscape genomics. Invited review. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38:3. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2022.10.010
Kersten, Rellstab, Schröder, Brodbeck, Fladung, Kritovsky & Gugerli, 2022: The mitochondrial genome sequence of Abies alba Mill. reveals a high structural and combinatorial variation. BMC Genomics 23:776. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-022-08993-9
Fonti, Rellstab & Martínez-Sancho, 2022: Deciphering “time to hydraulic failure” to select drought-resistant tree provenances. Invited commentary. Tree Physiology 42: 704-707. DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpac010
- Neophytou, Heer, Milesi, Peter, Pyhäjärvi, Westergren, Rellstab* & Gugerli*, 2022: Genomics and adaptation in forest ecosystems. Meeting review. Tree Genetics & Genomes 18: 12. DOI:10.1007/s11295-022-01542-1 (*shared last authorship)
- Opgenoorth & Rellstab, 2021: Tackling the challenges of evolutionary forest research with multi-data approaches. Invited News and Views article. Molecular Ecology 30: 3893–3895. DOI: 10.1111/mec.16031
- Rellstab, Dauphin & Exposito-Alonso, 2021: Prospects and limitations of genomic offset in conservation management. Invited perspective. Evolutionary Applications 14: 1202-1212. DOI: 10.1111/eva.13205
- Martínez-Sancho, Rellstab, Guillaume, Bigler, Fonti, Wohlgemuth, & Vitasse, 2021: Post-glacial re-colonization and natural selection have shaped growth responses of silver fir across Europe. Science of the Total Environment 779: 146393. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146393
- Opgenoorth, Dauphin, Benavides, Heer, Alizoti, Martínez-Sancho, Alía, Ambrosio, Audrey, Auñón, Avanzi, Avramidou, Bagnoli, Barbas, Bastias, Bastien, Ballesteros, Beffa, Bernier, Bignalet, Bodineau, Bouic, Brodbeck, Brunetto, Buchovska, Buy, Cabanillas-Saldaña, Carvalho, Cheval, Climent, Correard, Cremer, Danusevičius, Del Caño, Denou, di Gerardi, Dokhelar, Ducousso, Alexis, Eskild Nilsen, Farsakoglou, Fonti, Ganopoulos, García del Barrio, Gilg, Gonzalez-Martinez, Graf, Gray, Grivet, Gugerli, Hartleitner, Hollenbach, Hurel, Issehut, Jean, Jorge, Jouineau, Kappner, Kärkkäinen, Kesälahti, Knutzen, Kujala, Kumpula, Labriola, Lalanne, Lambertz, Lascoux, Lejeune, Le-Provost, Levillain, Liesebach, López-Quiroga, Meier, Malliarou, Marchon, Mariotte, Mas, Matesanz, Meischner, Michotey, Milesi, Morganti, Nievergelt, Notivol, Ostreng, Pakull, Perry, Piotti, Plomion, Poinot, Pringarbe, Puzos, Pyhäjärvi, Raffin, Ramírez-Valiente, Rellstab, Remi, Richter, Robledo-Arnuncio, San Segundo, Savolainen, Schneck, Scotti, Semerikov, Slámová, Sønstebø, Spanu, Thevenet, Tollefsrud, Turion, Vendramin, Villar, Von Arx, Westin, Fady, Myking, Valladares, Aravanopoulos & Cavers, 2021: The GenTree Platform: growth traits and tree-level environmental data in twelve European forest tree species. GigaScience 10: giab010. DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giab010
- Dauphin, Rellstab, Schmid, Zoller, Karger, Brodbeck, Guillaume & Gugerli, 2021: Genomic vulnerability to rapid climate warming in a tree species with long generation time, 2021. Global Change Biology 27: 1181-1195. DOI:10.1111/gcb.15469
- Benavides, Carvalho, Bastias, López-Quiroga, Mas, Cavers, Gray, Albet, Alía, Ambrosio, Aravanopoulos, Auñón, Avanzi, Avramidou, Bagnoli, Ballesteros, Barbas, Bastien, Bernier, Bignalet, Bouic, Brunetto, Buchovska, Cabanillas- Saldaña, Cheval, Climent, Correard, Cremer, Danusevičius, Dauphin, Del Caño, Denou, Dokhelar, Dourthe, Farsakoglou, Feras, Fonti, Ganopoulos, García del Barrio, Gilg, Gonzalez-Martinez, Graf, Grivet, Gugerli, Hartleitner, Heer, Hollenbach, Hurel, Issehuth, Jean, Jorge, Jouineau, Kappner, Kärkkäinen, Kesälahti, Knutzen, Kujala, Kumpula, Labriola, Lalanne, Lambertz, Lascoux, Le Provost, Liesebach, Malliarou, Marchon, Mariotte, Martínez-Sancho, Matesanz, Meischner, Michotey, Milesi, Morganti, Myking, Nilsen, Notivol, Opgenoorth, Østreng, Pakull, Piotti, Plomion, Poinot, Pringarbe, Puzos, Pyhäjärvi, Raffin, Ramírez-Valiente, Rellstab, Richter, Robledo- Arnuncio, San Segundo, Savolainen, Schneck, Schueler, Scotti, Semerikov, Sønstebø, Spanu, Thevenet, Tollefsrud, Turion, Vendramin, Villar, Westin, Fady & Valladares, 2021: The GenTree Leaf Collection: inter- and intraspecific leaf variation in seven forest tree species in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30: 590-597. DOI:10.1111/geb.13239
- Rellstab, 2021: Genomics helps to predict maladaptation to climate change. Invited News and Views article. Nature Climate Change 11: 85-86. DOI:10.1038/s41558-020-00964-w
- Rellstab, Zoller, Sailer, Tedder, Gugerli, Shimizu, Holderegger, Widmer & Fischer, 2020: Genomic signatures of convergent adaptation to Alpine environments in three Brassicaceae species. Molecular Ecology 29: 4350-4365. DOI: 10.1111/mec.15648
Fady, Aravanopoulos, Benavides, González-Martínez, Grivet, Lascoux, Lindner, Rellstab, Valladares & Vinceti, 2020: Genetics to the rescue: managing forests sustainably in a changing world. Tree Genetics & Genomes 16: 80. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-020-01474-8
Holderegger, Schmidt, Grünig, Meier, Csencsics, Gassner, Rellstab & Stapfer, 2020: Ready-to-use workflows for the implementation of genetic tools in conservation management. Conservation Genetics Resources 12: 691-700. DOI: 10.1007/s12686-020-01165-5
- Dauphin, Wüest, Brodbeck, Zoller, Fischer, Holderegger, Gugerli & Rellstab, 2020: Disentangling the effects of geographic peripherality and habitat suitability on neutral and adaptive genetic variation in Swiss stone pine. Molecular Ecology 29: 1972-1989. DOI: 10.1111/mec.15467
- Bose, Moser, Rigling, Lehman, Milcu, Peter, Rellstab, Wohlgemuth & Gessler, 2020: Memory of environmental conditions across generations affects the acclimation potential of Scots pine. Plant, Cell & Environment 43: 1288-1299. DOI: 10.1111/pce.13729
- Reutimann, Gugerli & Rellstab, 2020: A species-discriminatory SNP set reveals maintenance of species integrity in hybridizing European white oaks (Quercus spp.) despite high levels of admixture. Annals of Botany 125: 663-676. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcaa001
Waldvogel, Feldmeyer, Rolshausen, Exposito-Alonso, Rellstab, Kofler, Mock, Schmid, Schmitt, Bataillon, Savolainen, Bergland, Flatt, Guillaume & Pfenninger, 2020: Evolutionary genomics can improve prediction of species responses to climate change. Evolution Letters 4:4-18. DOI: 10.1002/evl3.154
- Martínez-Sancho, Mateju, Morganti, Grefen, Carvalho, Dauphin, Rellstab, Gugerli, Opgenoorth, Heer, Knutzen, von Arx, Valladares, Cavers, Fady, Alía, Aravanopoulos, Avanzi, Bagnoli, Barbas, Bastien, Benavides, Bernier, Bodineau, Bastias, Charpentier, Climent, Corréard, Courdier, Danusevicius, Farsakoglou, García del Barrio, Gilg, González-Martínez, Gray, Hartleitner, Hurel, Jouineau, Kärkkäinen, Kujala, Labriola, Lascoux, Lefebvre, Lejeune, Le-Provost, Liesebach, Malliarou, Mariotte, Matesanz, Michotey, Milesi, Myking, Notivol, Pakull, Piotti, Plomion, Pringarbe, Pyhäjärvi, Raffin, Ramírez-Valiente, Ramskogler, Robledo-Arnuncio, Savolainen, Schueler, Semerikov, Spanu, Thévenet, Tollefsrud, Turion, Veisse, Vendramin, Villar, Westin & Fonti, 2020: The GenTree Dendroecological Collection: tree-ring and wood density data from seven tree species across Europe. Scientific Data 7: 1. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-019-0340-y
- Mosca, Cruz, Gómez Garrido, Bianco, Rellstab, Brodbeck, Csilléry, Fady, Fladung, Fussi, Gömöry, González-Martínez, Grivet, Hansen, Heer, Kaya, Krutovsky, Kersten, Liepelt, Opgenoorth, Sperisen, Ullrich, Vendramin, Westergren, Ziegenhagen, Alioto, Gugerli, Heinze, Höhn, Troggio & Neale, 2019: A reference genome sequence for the European silver fir (Abies alba Mill.): a community-generated genomic resource. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics 9: 2039-2049. DOI: 10.1534/g3.119.400083
- Rellstab, Dauphin, Zoller, Brodbeck & Gugerli (2019): Using transcriptome sequencing and pooled exome capture to study local adaptation in the giga-genome of Pinus cembra. Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 536-551. DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12986
- Sailer, Babst-Kostecka, Fischer, Zoller, Widmer, Vollenweider, Gugerli & Rellstab, 2018: Transmembrane transport and stress response genes play an important role in adaptation of Arabidopsis halleri to metalliferous soils. Scientific Reports 8, 16085. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33938-2
- Csilléry, Rodríguez-Verdugo, Rellstab & Guillaume, 2018. Detecting the genomic signal of polygenic adaptation and the role of epistasis in evolution. Meeting Review. Molecular Ecology 27: 606-612. DOI: 10.1111/mec.1449
- Tsykun, Rellstab, Dutech, Sipos & Prospero, 2017: Comparative assessment of SSR and SNP markers for inferring the population genetic structure of the common fungus Armillaria cepistipes. Heredity 119: 371-380. DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2017.48
- Rellstab, Fischer, Zoller, Graf, Tedder, Shimizu, Widmer, Holderegger & Gugerli, 2017: Local adaptation (mostly) remains local – Re-assessing environmental associations of climate-related candidate SNPs in Arabidopsis halleri. Heredity 118: 193-201. DOI: 10.1038/hdy.2016.82
- Fischer, Rellstab, Leuzinger, Roumet, Gugerli, Shimizu, Holderegger & Widmer, 2017: Estimating genomic diversity and population differentiation – an empirical comparison of microsatellite and SNP variation in Arabidopsis halleri. BMC Genomics 18: 69. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-3459-7
- Rellstab, Zoller, Walthert, Lesur, Pluess, Graf, Bodénès, Sperisen, Kremer & Gugerli, 2016: Signatures of local adaptation in candidate genes of oaks (Quercus spp.) in respect to present and future climatic conditions. Molecular Ecology 25: 5907-5924. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13889
- Rellstab, Bühler, Graf, Folly & Gugerli, 2016: Using joint multivariate analyses of leaf morphology and molecular-genetic markers for taxon identification in three hybridizing European white oak species (Quercus spp.). Annals of Forest Science 73: 669-679. DOI: 10.1007/s13595-016-0552-7
- Seppälä, Louhi, Karvonen, Rellstab & Jokela, 2015: Relative reproductive success of co-infecting parasite genotypes under intensified within-host competition. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 36: 450-455. DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2015.08.015
- Rellstab, Gugerli, Eckert, Hancock & Holderegger, 2015: A practical guide to environmental association analysis in landscape genomics. Invited review. Molecular Ecology 24: 4348-4370. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13322
- Rellstab, Zoller, Tedder, Gugerli & Fischer, 2013: Validation of SNP allele frequencies determined by pooled next-generation sequencing in natural populations of a non-model plant species. PLoS ONE 8: e80422. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0080422
- Fischer, Rellstab, Tedder, Zoller, Gugerli, Shimizu, Holderegger & Widmer, 2013: Population genomic footprints of selection and associations with climate in natural populations of Arabidopsis halleri from the Alps. Molecular Ecology 22: 5594–5607. DOI: 10.1111/mec.12521
- Rellstab, Karvonen, Louhi & Jokela, 2013: Genotype-specific vs. cross-reactive host immunity against a macroparasite. PLoS ONE 8: e78427. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0078427
- Louhi, Karvonen, Rellstab & Jokela, 2013: Genotypic and phenotypic variation in transmission traits of a complex life cycle parasite. Ecology & Evolution 3: 2116-2127. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.621
- Karvonen, Kristjánsson, Skúlason, Lanki, Rellstab & Jokela, 2013: Water temperature, not fish morph, determines parasite infections of sympatric Icelandic threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Ecology & Evolution 3: 1507-1517. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.568
- Louhi, Karvonen, Rellstab, Louhi & Jokela, 2013: Prevalence of infection as a predictor of multiple genotype infection frequency in parasites with multiple-host life cycle. Journal of Animal Ecology 82: 191-200. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2012.02028.x
- Seppälä, Karvonen, Rellstab, Louhi & Jokela, 2012: Reciprocal interaction matrix reveals complex genetic and dose-dependent specificity among co-infecting parasites. American Naturalist 180: 306-315. DOI: 10.1086/666985
- Karvonen, Rellstab, Louhi & Jokela, 2012: Synchronous attack is advantageous – mixed genotype infections lead to higher infection success in trematode parasites. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 171-176. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2011.0879
- Wirth, Girardclos, Rellstab & Anselmetti, 2011: The sedimentary response to a pioneer geo-engineering project: Tracking the Kander River deviation in the sediments of Lake Thun (Switzerland). Sedimentology 58: 1737-1761. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2011.01237.x
- Rellstab, Louhi, Karvonen & Jokela, 2011: Analysis of trematode parasite communities in fish eye lenses by pyrosequencing of naturally pooled DNA. Infection, Genetics, Evolution 11: 1276-1286. DOI:10.1016/j.meegid.2011.04.018
- Rellstab, Keller, Girardclos, Anselmetti & Spaak, 2011: Anthropogenic eutrophication shapes the past and present taxonomic composition of hybridizing Daphnia in unproductive lakes. Limnology & Oceanography 56: 292-302. DOI: 10.4319/lo.2011.56.1.0292
- Louhi, Karvonen, Rellstab & Jokela, 2010: Is the population genetic structure of complex life cycle parasites determined by the geographic range of the most motile host? Infection, Genetics and Evolution 10: 1271-1277. DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2010.08.013
- Rellstab & Spaak, 2009: Lake origin determines Daphnia population growth under winter conditions. Journal of Plankton Research. 31: 261-271. DOI: 10.1093/plankt/fbn120
- Filella, Rellstab, Chanudet & Spaak, 2008: Effect of the filter feeder Daphnia on the inorganic colloid particle size distributions in freshwaters. Water Research 42: 1919-1924. DOI:10.1016/j.watres.2007.11.021
- Rellstab & Spaak, 2007. Starving with a full gut? Effect of suspended particles on the fitness of Daphnia hyalina. Hydrobiologia 2007 594: 131-139. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-007-9089-y
- Müller, Breitenstein, Bia, Rellstab & Kirchhofer, 2007. Bottom-up control of whitefish populations in ultra-oligotrophic Lake Brienz. Aquatic Sciences 69: 271-288. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-007-0874-5
- Rellstab, Maurer, Zeh, Bürgi & Spaak, 2007. Temporary collapse of the Daphnia population in turbid and ultra-oligotrophic Lake Brienz. Aquatic Sciences 69: 257-270. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-007-0872-7
- Anselmetti, Bühler, Finger, Girardclos, Lancini, Rellstab & Sturm, 2007. Effects of Alpine hydropower dams on particle transport and lacustrine sedimentation. Aquatic Sciences 69: 179-198. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-007-0875-4
- Rellstab, Bürgi & Müller, 2004. Population regulation in coregonids: the significance of zooplankton concentration for larval mortality. Annales Zoologici Fennici 41: 281-290. Link PDF