Dr. Valentina Vitali

Dr. Valentina Vitali


Ricercatrice ospite


Dinamica del bosco

Ecologia degli Ecositemi


Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf


WSL Birmensdorf Bi


In 2008, I began my B.Sc. in Forestry and Environmental Sciences at the Polytechnic University of Ancona in Italy. For my M.Sc. I spent a year at the Georg-August Universität, Göttingen and a year at Bangor University, Wales under the SUFONAMA Erasmus Mundus project in "Sustainable Forestry and Nature Management".

In 2017, I completed my Ph.D. “Drought tolerance of Douglas-fir, Norway spruce and Silver fir in the Black Forest” at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg, and spent 2018 in Montreal, Canada as a Postdoc.

My research has been focusing on the effect of climate change and disturbances on forest growth, using dendrochronological and modeling methods. Now I am a Postdoc here at WSL on the development of a diagnostic triple-isotope tool to elucidate the effects of droughts on tree physiology.


