PD Dr. Yann Vitasse

PD Dr. Yann Vitasse


Collaboratore scientifico


Dinamica del bosco

Ecologia degli Ecositemi


Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111
8903 Birmensdorf


WSL Birmensdorf Bi LH C 25


Das Projekt untersucht, wie gut zukunftsfähige Baumarten während der Verjüngungsphase in einem Klima mit wärmeren Wintern und heiss-trockenen Sommermonaten wachsen, wie sie sich gegenseitig beeinflussen und welche Auswirkungen ihre Präsenz auf den Boden und die darin lebenden Organismen hat.

This project aims to integrate the recording of standardized mast observation into existing phenology networks (e.g. PhaenoNet, Phenowald, PhenoRanger) and field surveys. The recorded data will be made publicly available on the already established platform of MastWeb hosted at WSL.

Accounting for evolutionary responses based on tree-ring traits will allow reducing uncertainties in the spatial distributions of European trees species under forthcoming climate change scenarios

In diesem Projekt untersuchen wir mögliche Ursachen für die Auswirkungen der Sommerdürre 2018 auf die Vitalität von Buchen im Schweizer Mittelland und Jura.

The objective of the SwissPhenocam project is to develop and implement an automated phenology monitoring tool that will deliver added-value climate services regarding plant phenological responses to ongoing climate change and the carbon and water cycles.

Phenology might not be only controlled by temperature, photoperiod and water availability but also by tree intrinsic factors related to sink-source relationships.

Sind potenziell zukunftsfähige Arten, die hitze- und trockentolerant sind, auch genug frosttolerant? Wir untersuchen, wie sich wärmere Winter auf die Frosthärte verschiedener, aktuell als zukunftsfähig eingestufter Baumarten auswirken.

Detect a "defoliation fingerprint" in stable isotopes in tree rings.

The goal of this project is to contribute to the evaluation of non-native tree species that could potentially mitigate mortality in our forests, through scalable drone-based phenotyping approaches and the assessment of mechanistic traits, such as phenological plasticity and drought stress-resistance

The synchronization between supply and demand of resources in temperate forests is vital to ensure the optimal and sustainable functioning of these ecosystems. This project aims to understand how global warming is disrupting interactions between above- and below-ground organisms.

«PhenoRangers» soll Wechselwirkungen zwischen der aktuellen Forschung über die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Wald und die Öffentlichkeit herstellen, wobei die Phänologie als Hauptwerkzeug eingesetzt wird.

As part of the Blue-Green Biodiversity Research Initiative (Eawag-WSL funded by ETH), we study differences in the effect of global environmental change on the phenology of primary production in lakes and their surrounding watersheds using remote sensing techniques.


Campioli M., Marchand L.J., Zahnd C., Zuccarini P., McCormack M.L., Landuyt D., … Vitasse Y. (2025) Environmental sensitivity and impact of climate change on leaf-, wood- and root phenology for the overstory and understory of temperate deciduous forests. Curr. Forestry Rep. 11, 1 (16 pp.). doi:10.1007/s40725-024-00233-5 Institutional Repository DORA

Liu Z., Fu Y.H., Chen D., Crowther T.W., Ding R., Hao F., … Zohner C.M. (2025) Increased early-season productivity drives earlier peak of vegetation photosynthesis across the Northern Hemisphere. Commun. Earth Environ. 6, 157 (11 pp.). doi:10.1038/s43247-025-02104-8 Institutional Repository DORA

Silvestro R., Deslauriers A., Prislan P., Rademacher T., Rezaie N., Richardson A.D., … Rossi S. (2025) From roots to leaves: tree growth phenology in forest ecosystems. Curr. Forestry Rep. 11(1), 12 (19 pp.). doi:10.1007/s40725-025-00245-9 Institutional Repository DORA

Didion-Gency M., Vitasse Y., Buchmann N., Gessler A., Gisler J., Schaub M., Grossiord C. (2024) Chronic warming and dry soils limit carbon uptake and growth despite a longer growing season in beech and oak. Plant Physiol. 194(2), 741-757. doi:10.1093/plphys/kiad565 Institutional Repository DORA

Luo Y., Zohner C., Crowther T.W., Feng J., Hoch G., Li P., … Gessler A. (2024) Internal physiological drivers of leaf development in trees: understanding the relationship between non-structural carbohydrates and leaf phenology. Funct. Ecol. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14694 Institutional Repository DORA

Schmeddes J., Muffler L., Barbeta A., Beil I., Bolte A., Holm S., … Kreyling J. (2024) High phenotypic variation found within the offspring of each mother tree in Fagus sylvatica regardless of the environment or source population. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 2024(33), 470-481. doi:10.1111/geb.13794 Institutional Repository DORA

Vitasse Y., Pohl N., Walde M.G., Nadel H., Gossner M.M., Baumgarten F. (2024) Feasting on the ordinary or starving for the exceptional in a warming climate: phenological synchrony between spongy moth (Lymantria dispar) and budburst of six European tree species. Ecol. Evol. 14(2), e10928 (15 pp.). doi:10.1002/ece3.10928 Institutional Repository DORA

Walde M.G., Lehmann M.M., Gessler A., Vitasse Y., Diao H. (2024) Stable isotope labelling reveals water and carbon fluxes in temperate tree saplings before budbreak. Plant Cell Environ. 48(1), 805-817. doi:10.1111/pce.15173 Institutional Repository DORA

Walde M.G., Wenden B., Chuine I., Gessler A., Saurer M., Vitasse Y. (2024) Stable water isotopes reveal the onset of bud dormancy in temperate trees, whereas water content is a better proxy for dormancy release. Tree Physiol. 44(4), tpae028 (12 pp.). doi:10.1093/treephys/tpae028 Institutional Repository DORA

Baumgarten F., Gessler A., Vitasse Y. (2023) No risk—no fun: penalty and recovery from spring frost damage in deciduous temperate trees. Funct. Ecol. 37, 648-663. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.14243 Institutional Repository DORA

Eitel J.U.H., Basler D., Braun S., Buchmann N., D'Odorico P., Etzold S., … Zweifel R. (2023) Towards monitoring stem growth phenology from space with high resolution satellite data. Agric. For. Meteorol. 339, 109549 (14 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109549 Institutional Repository DORA

Fu Y.H., Geng X., Chen S., Wu H., Hao F., Zhang X., … Peñuelas J. (2023) Global warming is increasing the discrepancy between green (actual) and thermal (potential) seasons of temperate trees. Glob. Chang. Biol. 29(5), 1377-1389. doi:10.1111/gcb.16545 Institutional Repository DORA

Kurz M., Kölz A., Gorges J., Pablo Carmona B., Brang P., Vitasse Y., … Csilléry K. (2023) Tracing the origin of Oriental beech stands across Western Europe and reporting hybridization with European beech - implications for assisted gene flow. For. Ecol. Manag. 531, 120801 (14 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.120801 Institutional Repository DORA

McFadden I.R., Sendek A., Brosse M., Bach P.M., Baity‐Jesi M., Bolliger J., … Narwani A. (2023) Linking human impacts to community processes in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Ecol. Lett. 26(2), 203-218. doi:10.1111/ele.14153 Institutional Repository DORA

Spafford L., MacDougall A.H., Vitasse Y., Filippa G., Richardson A., Steenberg J., Lever J.J. (2023) Leaf phenology as an indicator of ecological integrity. Ecosphere. 14(5), e4487 (29 pp.). doi:10.1002/ecs2.4487 Institutional Repository DORA

Vitasse Y., Wohlgemuth T., Rigling A. (2023) Les forêts face aux sécheresses et canicules: causes de dépérissements, facteurs aggravants et différences de sensibilité entre les espèces. Rev. For. Fr. 74(2), 121-132. doi:10.20870/revforfr.2023.7586 Institutional Repository DORA

Wohlgemuth T., Queloz V., Moser B., Pezzatti G.B., Scherrer D., Vitasse Y., Conedera M. (2023) Dynamik von Störungen in Wäldern auf der Alpennordseite von 1900 bis 2022. Disturbance dynamics on the north of the Alps from 1900 to 2022. In P. Bebi & J. Schweier (Eds.), WSL Berichte: Vol. 144. Aus Störungen und Extremereignissen im Wald lernen. Birmensdorf: Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL. 17-24. doi:10.55419/wsl:35224 Institutional Repository DORA

Zeng X., Du Y., Vitasse Y. (2023) Untangling winter chilling and spring forcing effects on spring phenology of subtropical tree seedlings. Agric. For. Meteorol. 335, 109456 (8 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2023.109456 Institutional Repository DORA

Zohner C.M., Mirzagholi L., Renner S.S., Mo L., Rebindaine D., Bucher R., … Crowther T.W. (2023) Effect of climate warming on the timing of autumn leaf senescence reverses after the summer solstice. Science. 381(6653), eadf5098 (8 pp.). doi:10.1126/science.adf5098 Institutional Repository DORA

Zweifel R., Pappas C., Peters R.L., Babst F., Balanzategui D., Basler D., … Sterck F. (2023) Networking the forest infrastructure towards near real-time monitoring - a white paper. Sci. Total Environ. 872, 162167 (11 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162167 Institutional Repository DORA

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