Modeling potential faunistic biodiversity with a spatially explicit expert system


The presented model aims at simulating potential faunistic diversity at any given 1x1km grid cell in Switzerland. Based on species-specific habitat requirements supplied by experts the model checks each grid cell to determine to what extent the required habitats are present. This procedure enables us to estimate the potential geographical distribution of more than 3000 faunistic species. In contrast to approaches that relate presence/absence data to biophysical properties, we do not use survey data in a statistical or predictive model. Survey data are used to check the performance of the expert model. The model is a welcome supplement to the generally time-consuming approach of field sampling. Information concerning spatial distribution of biodiversity relevant areas (biodiversity hot-spots, red list species) can be quickly and easily extracted.

Habitat Maps

Distribution Maps

Expert System




Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture;
Project: Artenvielfalt in Agrarlandschaften

Professorship for Nature- and Landscape Conservation

Swiss Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Programme

swiss web flora
Federal office of Topography
Register of ecological models
Mapping Biodiversity

Authors: Iris Heller-Kellenberger, Felix Kienast, Martin K. Obrist and Thomas A. Walter

© / ihk / deutsch / 27.11.07